Training for Shine
Shine isn't about first across the finish line; it's about all of us coming together and raising moeny to beat cancer sooner.
But to make sure you are comfortable and enjoy your walk, it's important to put in some training times.
Download your training plan
Walking a 10k overnight is a challenge and requires training, no matter how fit you are. But training doesn’t have to be hard work; get some friends involved, have fun and get fit at the same time.
Remember to practice walking at night and spend plenty of time on your feet as well as putting in the miles, as your body won’t be used to this even if you exercise regularly.
With the help of our training partners Running with Us, we’ve put together a training plan to help you on your way:
How far is a 10K?
A 10k is just over 6 miles. That’s roughly the same as walking around a football pitch nearly 29 times. It’s a challenge, but we know you can do it if you prepare in advance.
So how long will it take you?
Power walker - Less than 1 hour 30 mins
Training tips
1. Get the right footwear
Buy and wear-in a pair of walking shoes which offer the support you need. Don’t wear new ones on the night! If you need help finding the right pair of shoes head to a specialist shop for advice.
2. Train with friends
Training with friends means you’ll have lots of support and you can chat while you walk to keep it fun. Make sure your friends sign up with you too so you’re all walking together on the night.
3. Wear layers
Wear layers of comfortable clothing for long walks. You can buy official Cancer Research UK clothing from our shop.
5. Vary your routes
Walk at a pace that feels comfortable and vary your route, gradually increasing the distance you walk. Don’t rely on mobile phones or GPS to track your distance, they can be inaccurate and leave you under-prepared.
6. Drink water
It’s important to drink water before, during and after exercise. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty.
Other ways to improve your lifestyle and fitness
More than 4 in 10 cancers in the UK could be prevented largely through lifestyle factors. Signing up and training to walk Shine Night Walk is a great opportunity to kick-start a healthier lifestyle. Here are a few tips to get you started.
Questions about cancer?
Cancer Research UK provides clear and easy to understand information if you are affected by cancer:
• Visit CancerHelp UK for reliable, up-to-date information on cancer, treatments and the latest research.
• Call our specialist cancer nurses freephone on 0808 800 4040 Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm.
• Visit Cancer Chat and share your information and experiences with others affected by cancer.