A trial looking at treatment for children and young people with neuroblastoma (HR-NBL-I/ESIOP NB 2002 06)
Cancer type:
This trial looked at treatment for children and young people with a rare type of cancer called neuroblastoma that was high risk.
High risk means the cancer would continue to grow or come back (recur) after treatment.
Cancer Research UK supported this trial.
More about this trial
- surgery
- chemotherapy
- radiotherapy
Summary of results
Researchers were looking at several different treatments. As the results of each treatment is made available we will update this summary.
This trial was open for children and young people to join between 2002 and 2017.
These results for interleukin 2 and dinutuximab were published in 2018.
About this trial
This was a phase 3 trial. It was a randomised trial. Everyone who took part was put into 1 of 2 treatment groups.
Everyone who took part had already had induction treatment and consolidation treatment. This means they had chemotherapy to shrink the cancer followed by high dose chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. And this treatment had worked.
Everyone also had isotretinoin which is a
406 children and young people joined this trial.
Of the 200 children and young people in the isotretinoin and dinutuximab group, 188 had treatment.
Of the 206 children and young people in the isotretinoin, dinutuximab and interleukin 2 group, 192 had treatment.
- isotretinoin and dinutuximab
- isotretinoin, dinutuximab and interleukin 2
- 56 out of every 100 children and young people (56%) in the isotretinoin and dinutuximab group
- 60 out of every 100 children and young people (60%) in the isotretinoin, dinutuximab and interleukin 2 group
- 69 out of every 100 children and young people (69%) in the isotretinoin and dinutuximab group
- 70 out of every 100 children and young people (70%) in the isotretinoin, dinutuximab and interleukin 2 group
- 53 out of every 100 children and young people (53%) in the isotretinoin and dinutuximab group
- 57 out of every 100 children and young people (57%) in the isotretinoin, dinutuximab and interleukin 2 group
- 63 out of every 100 children and young people (63%) in the isotretinoin and dinutuximab group
- 62 out of every 100 children and young people (62%) in the isotretinoin, dinutuximab and interleukin 2 group
- infection
- a change to the way the liver works
- a decline in general health
- pain when having treatment
- high temperature (fever)
- an allergic reaction
- a decline in general health
- high temperature (fever)
- infection
- pain when having treatment
- a change to the way the liver works
- diarrhoea
- an allergic reaction
- low blood pressure
- blood leaking out of the smallest blood vessels (capillaries)
- hives
- 1 from heart and lung problems
- 1 from breathing problems caused by an infection
- 1 from lung problems caused by a build up of scar tissue
- 1 from a fungal infection
Recruitment start:
Recruitment end:
How to join a clinical trial
Please note: In order to join a trial you will need to discuss it with your doctor, unless otherwise specified.
Chief Investigator
Dr Martin Elliot
Supported by
Cancer Research UK
Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC)
NIHR Clinical Research Network: Cancer
Cancer Research UK Children's Cancer Trials Team, University of Birmingham
Other information
This is Cancer Research UK trial number CRUK/02/013.
If you have questions about the trial please contact our cancer information nurses
Freephone 0808 800 4040