A study comparing PET-MRI scan to PET-CT scan for spotting bone damage caused by myeloma (REVAMP)

Please note - this trial is no longer recruiting patients. We hope to add results when they are available.

Cancer type:

Blood cancers





This study is open to people who are having a scan because they have myeloma or because their doctor thinks they might have it. 

A PET-CT scan is a combination of a PET scan and a CT scan. A PET-MRI scan is a combination of a PET scan and an MRI scan.

More about this trial

Myeloma can cause bone damage. Doctors use a PET-CT scan to find out whether myeloma is damaging your bones. They can also use a PET-CT scan to find out how well treatment for myeloma is working. 

Researchers think that a PET-MRI scan might be better at spotting bone damage and at seeing how well treatment is working. This is because a PET-MRI scan measures the bone damage but also shows how the myeloma is acting.

They hope that the extra information from the PET-MRI scan can help doctors find out if treatment is working or not earlier. So they can change treatment if necessary. 

In this study researchers will compare the results of the PET-MRI scan with those of the PET-CT scan to find out which is better. 

Who can enter

The following bullet points list the entry conditions for this study. Talk to your doctor or the study team if you are unsure about any of these. They will be able to advise you. 

Who can take part

You may be able to join this study if all of the following apply. You:

  • have a diagnosis of myeloma or your doctor thinks you might have myeloma
  • can have a stem cell transplant with the aim to cure your myeloma
  • are at least 18 year old

Who can’t take part

You cannot join this study if any of these apply. You:

  • are more or less as you were before your myeloma but might not be able to do heavy physical work (performance status 0 or 1)
  • cannot have an MRI scan or PET-CT scan. This could be because your kidneys don’t work well enough, you can’t be in small confined spaces (claustrophobic) or you have metal such as a pacemaker in your body.
  • are pregnant 

Trial design

This is a pilot study. The study team need 20 people to join. 

You have a PET-CT scan and depending on the results you might have a PET-MRI scan on the same day. 

You do not have the PET-MRI scan if the results of the PET-CT scan show no myeloma. And then you are no longer part of the study. 

You have the PET-MRI scan if the results of the PET-CT scan show you have myeloma.

For the scans the radiographer puts a needle (cannula) into a vein in your arm. 

To have the PET-CT scan the radiographer puts a small amount of radioactive dye Open a glossary item through the cannula. You then need to lie still for 1 ½ hours before you have the scan. 

Then if you are having the PET-MRI scan the radiographer will put a small amount of contrast dye Open a glossary item into the cannula. 

You have your initial chemotherapy (induction chemotherapy) before your stem cell transplant. After this you have another PET-CT scan and PET-MRI scan. 

The study team will also collect information from your clinic visits and medical records. This is to see if the scans can show how well the treatment is working. 

Hospital visits

There are no extra hospital visits if you take part in this study.

Side effects

The study team monitor you during treatment and afterwards. Contact your advice line or tell your doctor or nurse if any side effects are bad or not getting better. 

The scans used in this study are safe for most people. 

The PET-CT scan uses a radioactive dye and this gives a small amount of radiation. This is about the same amount as 3 years of background radiation everyone would get. 

The radioactive tracer goes away quickly and does not affect how your body works. After the scan it is best not to have close contact with pregnant women, babies or children for about 6 hours. 

The PET-MRI scan uses a contrast dye called gadolinium. Side effects are rare and can include:

  • mild headache
  • light headedness
  • itching
  • feeling or being sick
  • shortness of breath

A very small number of people (less than 1 person in 1,000 people) might have an allergic reaction to the contrast dye. This can start with:

  • a rash
  • weakness
  • sweating
  • breathing difficulties

Tell the radiographer straight away if you feel unwell. 

We have information about:

Recruitment start:

Recruitment end:

How to join a clinical trial

Please note: In order to join a trial you will need to discuss it with your doctor, unless otherwise specified.

Please note - unless we state otherwise in the summary, you need to talk to your doctor about joining a trial.

Chief Investigator

Professor Vicky Goh

Supported by

Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
King's College London
Royal College of Radiologists

If you have questions about the trial please contact our cancer information nurses

Freephone 0808 800 4040

Last review date

CRUK internal database number:


Please note - unless we state otherwise in the summary, you need to talk to your doctor about joining a trial.

Last reviewed:

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