June Update

I hope you've been enjoying the warmer weather and staying safe in the sun.
This week, 3-9 June, is Volunteers’ Week! We’re saying a huge thank you to our brilliant community of volunteers. Our Chief Executive, Michelle Mitchell has recorded a video to let you know how grateful we are for your dedication and support.
We also share more about our second Regional Distribution Centre (RDC) that's just opened in Fleet. If your shop is based near an RDC, it means that our dedicated team at the RDC will process some of the stock which comes into your shop to help save you time.
In your shop, you might have seen our new till point marketing campaign, featuring some of you! Thank you again to everyone who took part in this.
From next week, keep an eye out for our new fundraising campaign in store for the Bowelbabe Fund for Cancer Research UK. This is running until 6 July. If you're interested in getting involved, speak to your Shop Manager for opportunities.
Thank you.
Julie Byard, Director of Trading
Cancer Research UK
Celebrating Volunteers' Week!

This Volunteers’ Week, taking place from 3 – 9 June, we’re saying a huge thank you to our brilliant community of volunteers.
We’re grateful to benefit from the support of over 25,000 volunteers, with more than half based in our shops. Every shirt you steam, book you sell, shopper you serve and hour you give makes a real difference for people affected by cancer.
To show our appreciation for everything you do to support us, our Chief Executive Michelle Mitchell has recorded a special video message for our volunteers, which you can watch now on our Volunteers’ Week page.
To mark Volunteers’ Week, we’re also shining a spotlight on some of our incredible volunteers’ stories. Hear first-hand from John and Laurence, members of the Paisley Superstore volunteering team, who share what volunteering at CRUK means to them.
“Being in such a caring environment is an integral part of my identity, and I hope to be volunteering for many years to come. Long may we continue and quickly get cancer booted-out!” - Laurence, Paisley Shop Volunteer
Head to our Volunteers' Week Page to hear more volunteer stories, including from volunteers Penny and Rhian, who dive into their volunteering journeys in two special episodes of our That Cancer Conversation podcast. On the page, you can also explore how else we’re celebrating Volunteers’ Week.
Thank you again for everything you do to support CRUK – we couldn’t make the progress we do without you.
The Big Help Out 2024

We're pleased to be a part of The Big Help Out from 7-9 June 2024.
The Big Help Out is back for a second year, aiming to encourage more people across the UK to give volunteering a go.
We’re asking the public to join us to help beat cancer by taking part in our fun and flexible volunteering opportunities, including signing up for a taster session at their local shop.
We hope that these sessions will inspire people taking part this weekend to join our brilliant volunteer community and lend their time again to help us continue making progress.
We've opened our second Regional Distribution Centre in Fleet!
At Cancer Research UK, we’re keen to be bold and try new things so that we can raise more money to fund life-saving research. That’s why we’re trialling opening Regional Distribution Centres (RDCs). We started off with a site in Warrington in the north of England last year, and we’ve just opened our doors at Fleet in the south of England, too.
If your shop is based near an RDC, it means that some of the stock which comes into your shop will be processed by our dedicated team at the RDC. This will free up more of your time for other activities. The RDC will return back stock that’s priced, barcoded, and steamed to your shop too – ready to go straight onto the shop floor.
This trial will help us to get the most value we can out of our supporters’ kind donations, by making sure our stock is out for sale where it will sell best.
Don’t worry if processing stock is the activity you enjoy most or you aren’t looking to do other activities. We still need your help to sort through the majority of the generous donations we receive and we’re very grateful for your time. Your Shop Manager is committed to making sure you have a great volunteering experience, so they’ll make sure that your volunteering works for you.
We're here to support you
If you received a link to this information by text message it is because you volunteer in one of our shops.