Overview of the CRUK GP clinical leadership programme

Overview icon

The CRUK GP clinical leadership programme aims to:

  1. Provide strategic primary care clinical leadership and educational resource at regional level
  2. Support Cancer Alliances in improving cancer pathways and reducing variation in care provision through the sharing of best practice and innovation
  3. Enhance CRUK’s engagement with and influencing of primary care and national decision making in a systematic way


  • Are experienced clinical leaders who are practising primary care clinicians and understand both primary care and secondary care interface issues
  • Have high levels of credibility amongst their peers: their input into planning can provide endorsement to the wider GP community
  • Lead regular primary care reference groups across the Cancer Alliance footprint, thus able to disseminate key messages and seek feedback from grass-roots GPs; supporting Cancer Alliance/NHS England engagement activities
  • Come from diverse backgrounds- in addition to the GP role - e.g. BMA Council, LMC, public health background, GP appraiser, QI lead,  clinical lead, Mac GP, IT interests, innovative education delivery, evidence review background
  • Are geographically spread across England and can inform discussion regarding variation and able to share good practice/challenges and avoid reinventing the wheel


  • Development of a module on “How to improve the quality of your referral” in response to secondary care reporting poor quality referrals affecting 62 day performance

  • GP education to raise awareness of the qFIT test reiterating the difference between this test and the screening FIT

NG12 implementation and learning events

  • Cancer Maps online tool now sits on the Gateway C website and are now the most visited site on Gateway C. Recorded a series of educational case studies to sit alongside them
  • Promoting SEA analysis cross the Alliance, with individual feedback to practices on the submitted cases

FIT symptomatic implementation

  • Chairing the FIT working group(s) and mobilisation across the Cancer Alliance footprint(s)
  • Electronic requesting of FIT according to NICE criteria with safety netting of request by bowel screening hub. The conversion rate for positive tests is currently 23% of requests
  • Developed an Integrated Lower GI Pathway across Alliance footprint
  • Agreed pan-London approach; provided expert support to STPs/CCGs implementing this approach
  • Developed modelling of expected endoscopy and FIT laboratory demand that has been adapted for use at national level by CADEAS

Lung health checks

  • Led on information sourcing and meeting with localities who have already undertaken the Lung Health checks ahead of the NHSE announcement of pilot sites
  • Working with STP with respect to the planning of the lung cancer screening pilot which will be based in Coventry
Pathway transformation
  • Produced a map-infographic of the NOLCP to improve understanding of a complex pathway
  • Development of NSCS pathway for patients/piloting of vague symptoms clinics
  • Negotiation of a STT rather than DA model for upper GI cancers

Northern Cancer Alliance

Dr Katie Elliott

Lancashire and South Cumbria Cancer Alliance

Dr Neil Smith

Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance

Dr Debbie Harvey 

Greater Manchester Cancer

Dr Sarah Taylor

South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance

Dr Steph Edgar

West Midlands Cancer Alliance

Dr Jim McMorran

East Midlands Cancer Alliance

Dr Ben Noble

Dr Pawan Randev

East of England Cancer Alliance

Dr Pete Holloway

Transforming Cancer Services Team, London

Dr Lance Saker

Thames Valley Cancer Alliance

Dr Anant Sachdev

Kent and Medway Cancer Alliance

Dr Tina George

Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance

Dr Jo Thomson

Peninsula Cancer Alliance

Dr Joe May

Humber Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance

Dr Dan Cottingham

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Last reviewed