Walk 30 Miles in November Challenge

Walk 30 Miles in November
Take on the challenge and raise money for life-saving cancer research.
When: 1 Nov - 30 Nov 2024
Where: Anywhere that suits you!
Entry fee: Free
Are you ready to take on the challenge?
How to take part

Sign up to get your free Cancer Research UK t-shirt and Online Giving Page

Join our Facebook group to be part of a supportive community

Walk 30 Miles in November and feel the benefits

Raise money for life-saving research
We're here to support you through every mile
We have lots of tips and resources to help you get started, perfect your miles and achieve your fundraising target.

£70 could fund a clinical research grant for one day, funding doctors and nurses to find new ways to beat cancer.

£130 could fund a cancer nurse for one day, giving people confidential cancer support and guidance.

£170 could fund a trial for one day to test new radiotherapy techniques for treating bile duct cancer.
Yes! Each participant will need to register individually but you can take on the challenge as a team and split the activity up as a group, or all complete walking 30 miles across the month. You can also set up a Team Giving Page and invite other registrants to join via the Cancer Research UK online fundraising site.
To set up a team:
All your team will need to sign up to the Walk 30 Miles Challenge so they each have their own Online Giving Page
Once everyone has signed up, log into your account
Hit the 'Create new team' button and follow the instructions
Once you've created your team, you can send the team page URL to friends and family so they can join too!
Yes! If you don’t have Facebook, you can set up a Cancer Research UK Online Giving Page using the link below and collect sponsorship for your Walk 30 Miles Challenge here: https://activities.cancerresearchuk.org/walk-30-challenge-nov-2024
Yes, under 18s can take part in this challenge, but we do not market to them and any third-party platform forum (e.g. a Facebook forum) is only available to over 18s. If under 18s are taking part, their parent/guardian must consent to the child’s participation, supervise the challenge and accept responsibility for complying with the challenge rules.
Currently we are unable to accept registration for a child, so the child’s parent/guardian have to register on the child’s behalf. Similarly, if a child wants to raise money online and/or join a forum, the child’s parent/guardian must register for an online fundraising page and/or join the forum on the child’s behalf.
We trust you! You don’t need to provide evidence that you’ve completed the challenge to us. Updating your friends and family on your online fundraising page is important. Make sure you keep them posted on your progress and share videos and photos throughout November – the more updates the better. Supporters who regularly post their progress raise 40% more on average.