A study collecting and storing samples of solid tumours that are usually only found in children (VIVO Biobank)
Cancer type:
This study is collecting samples from children and young people with a lymphoma or a solid tumour. In this study, a solid tumour is any type of cancer other than leukaemia. This tissue bank is supported by Cancer Research UK.
More about this trial
Please note, we use the term ‘you’ in this summary, but of course if you are a parent of a child with cancer, we are referring to your child.
A lot of research into understanding and treating cancer uses cancer cells as well as normal tissue such as blood and
If a researcher wants to look into a particular cancer or treatment, they can ask for permission from a committee, such as an
The VIVO Biobank is asking permission to take samples of tissue left over from
The aim of the study is to help researchers understand more about cancer and its treatment. You will not get any direct benefit from giving to this tissue bank, but the samples will be used to help people in the future.
Who can enter
You may be able to take part in this study if you:
- are under 16 years old and your doctor thinks you might have a
solid tumour or lymphoma or you are over 16 but have a type of solid tumour that is usually found in children - are due to have a sample of tissue removed to diagnose or treat this
- live in the United Kingdom or Ireland
- are being treated at a centre that has links with the VIVO Biobank
- are registered on a clinical trial for a tumour that is usually found in children, but are being treated at a centre that has no direct link with the VIVO Biobank
If you lose a child to a solid tumour, or lose someone over 16 to a type of solid tumour usually found in children, the hospital might carry out a special examination after the person has died. This is called a post mortem. If this happens, the VIVO Biobank may also ask if you would be willing to let them collect tissue from your loved one during this examination, for this tissue bank.
You cannot enter this study if you have HIV, hepatitis B or any other infection that might be a risk to those collecting or using the tissue – you can ask the team about this.
Trial design
If you have any tissue removed during tests to find out what is wrong, or as part of your treatment, the VIVO Biobank will collect a small sample of this to store in their tissue bank. The sample they take will be about the size of a grape.
If you are having a routine blood test, they may ask if they can take about a teaspoonful of blood at the same time, to store at the tissue bank.
The VIVO Biobank will also collect information from your medical notes about your diagnosis, treatment and how you are getting on.
They will treat all this information anonymously, so no one will be able to link it to you.
Hospital visits
You should not have to make any extra hospital visits if you take part.
Side effects
As there are no treatments as part of this study, there are no side effects.
Recruitment start:
Recruitment end:
How to join a clinical trial
Please note: In order to join a trial you will need to discuss it with your doctor, unless otherwise specified.
Chief Investigator
Dr Edmund Cheesman
Supported by
Cancer Research UK
Blood Cancer UK
If you have questions about the trial please contact our cancer information nurses
Freephone 0808 800 4040