Relay For Life Gibraltar 2025


Join the Relay For Life Gibraltar 2025

Date: Saturday 7th June 2025

Location: Lathbury Sports Centre, G.15 Retrenchment Block, Lathbury 05, Lathbury Barracks, S Barrack Road GX11 1AA

Time: 11:00 (24 hr)

Candle of Hope: TBC

For directions please click here

About Relay For Life

Join us for free! Relay For Life brings communities together to fundraise for Cancer Research UK and beat cancer. Teams of friends, families and colleagues fundraise for research to save and improve lives, then unite as a community at an event to honour everyone affected by cancer and celebrate the progress we’ve made.

The event is focused around a relay where team members take turns completing an activity, whether that be laps of a track, walks through a park or some other challenge to show that step by step, we’re beating cancer. Every Relay For Life includes games and music from local performers, and a Candle of Hope ceremony to give us a moment to reflect and honour everyone affected by cancer.

Simply join your local Relay by starting a team, joining an existing team or by taking part as a Survivor.

We exist to beat cancer and to make breakthroughs tomorrow, we need your help today.

Your local Committee


group of volunteers, steered by an Event Chair – these volunteer leaders are the backbone of the whole experience. They work all year round supporting each team’s fundraising and creating an unforgettable Relay.  

If you can give the time, and have skills to offer, your local committee would love to hear from you. If you need additional support or have questions about the event or your fundraising, you can contact your local Event Chair directly:  


Name: Alison Gabay


Elaine’s Story

Survivor story

Elaine was working in a Cancer Research UK shop in Edinburgh in 2016 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy she’s now eight years cancer free. She says: “I have been raising funds for Cancer Research UK since my brother died of cancer in 2007. My daughter Carrie also works for the charity. Together, we took part in Relay For Life Arbroath in 2019 – I was totally hooked.” Elaine even became Dunbar Relay For Life Chair. Over two years, they raised over £130,000. She said: “It was incredible how the community pulled together and joined the fight. I find being together with other Survivors is so special and powerful! We’re creating more tomorrows.”

Need help fundraising?

fundraise ideas

Relay For Life is the celebration of community fundraising and a chance to unite your friends, family and colleagues with one common goal, beating cancer.  

We want to bring about a world where everybody lives longer, better lives, free from the fear of cancer and to make breakthroughs tomorrow, we need your help today. 

To help you and your team across the year, look through our fundraising tips and support, and let's make next year one to truly remember.  

We can’t wait to see you at Relay For Life 2025

Get fundraising materials and support