Bowel (colorectal) cancer
Cancers of the large bowel (colon)and back passage (rectum). Also called colorectal cancer or large bowel cancer.
Our research into bowel cancer
A trial looking at LY3143921 hydrate for advanced cancer
This trial is for people with some types of advanced cancer.
A study to find sentinel nodes in rectal cancer (SentiRect)
This study looked at using magnetic tracers.
A trial comparing surgery with ablation treatment for people with bowel cancer spread to the liver (LAVA)
This trial was for people with secondary cancer in the liver that could be removed with surgery or a treatment using heat to kill the cancer cells.
Reproductive factors
Bowel cancer risk is 14-19% lower in ever-users versus never-users of oral contraceptives, meta-analyses have shown.[1,2]
A trial looking at exercise to help recovery after bowel cancer surgery (PREPARE ABC)
This trial is for people who are going to have an operation to remove their bowel cancer.
A study looking at what happens before lung or bowel cancer are diagnosed (Empress study)
This study is looking at people who are diagnosed after an urgent referral from their GP and those who go to hospital as an emergency.
A study looking at a way to report side effects of treatment online from home (eRAPID Radiotherapy)
This study is looking at using a computer based system for people to report treatment side effects on line.
A trial to improve keyhole surgery for rectal cancer
This trial looked at whether 3 dimensional (3D) images can improve the accuracy of keyhole surgery for rectal cancer.