The Cancer Policy Research Centre (CPRC)

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The Cancer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) undertakes and funds high quality, high impact research across the cancer pathway to influence cancer policy and practice. 

Our in-house and commissioned research portfolio currently includes:

  • Projects with a specific focus of behaviours that can cause cancer (Prevention)
  • Projects supporting the remaining strategic objectives of Diagnose, Treat and Optimise the Cancer Pathway. 
  • COVID-19 response projects, as well as additional projects currently being scoped out. 

Evidence from our research directly informs our recommendations for policy change and the messages conveyed to key decision makers. 

The recent merging with the ACE Programme to form a new Policy & Implementation Research (P&IR) department provides an exciting opportunity to renew focus. 

P&IR is responsible for commissioning and delivering research that supports our policy objectives - across the main themes of prevent, diagnose and treat and across the cancer pathway. 


Building on Bold Policy Ambitions July 2021 - full report 

Building on Bold Policy Ambitions July 2021 - executive summary

Out of sight, Out of Mind? (April 2021) - full report

Out of sight, Out of Mind? (April 2021) - executive summary

The HFSS beat goes on (December 2020) - full report

The HFSS beat goes on (December 2020) - executive summary

Still under pressure; But pressing for change (July 2019) - full report

Still under pressure; But pressing for change (July 2019) - executive summary

Lessons from the digital frontline (June 2019) - full report

Lessons from the digital frontline (June 2019) - executive summary

Digital Feast (June 2019) - full report

Digital Feast (June 2019) - executive summary

Paying the price (March 2019) - full report

Paying the price (March 2019) - executive summary

Public awareness and healthcare professional advice for obesity as a risk factor for cancer in the UK: peer review (November 2018)

See it, Want it, Buy it, Eat It (October 2018) - full report

See it, Want it, Buy it, Eat it (October 2018) - executive summary

A Prime Time for Action (March 2018) - full report

A Prime Time for Action (March 2018) - executive summary

Under Pressure – A Study of Junk Food Marketing and Young People’s Diets (March 2018) - full report

Under Pressure (March 2018) - executive summary

10 years on (January 2018) - full report

10 years on (January 2018) - executive summary

It's just there to trick you (November 2017) - full report

It's just there to trick you (November 2017) - executive summary

A weighty issue (March 2017) - full report

A weighty issue (March 2017) - executive summary

Tipping The Scales (November 2016) - full Report

Tipping The Scales (November 2016) - executive Summary

Public knowledge of the link between obesity and cancer (September 2016) - full report

Public knowledge of the link between obesity and cancer (September 2016) - executive summary

Short and sweet: why the Government should introduce a sugary drinks tax (February 2016)

Ad Brake: Primary school children’s perceptions of unhealthy food advertising on TV (July 2016) - full report

Ad Brake: Primary school children’s perceptions of unhealthy food advertising on TV (July 2016) - executive summary

Short and sweet: why the Government should introduce a sugary drinks tax (February 2016)

PROCESS Study - how can Stop Smoking Services be improved for low socioeconomic status groups?

PROCESS Study - Improving Stop Smoking Services for Low SES Groups

PROCESS Study - Improving Stop Smoking Services - Supplementary Material

PROCESS Study - Improving Stop Smoking Services - One Page Summary

Disposables e-cigarettes - use and appeal for smoking cessation in adults.

Disposable e-cigarettes - The use and appeal for smoking cessation for adults (September 2024)

Disposable e-cigarettes - One pager

E-cigarette packaging – is there a need for further regulation?

CRUK commissioned two in-depth studies to explore e-cigarette packaging and retail appeal.

Thirlway et al 2023 E-cigarette appeal in context: a qualitative study in deprived areas of the role of packaging in e-cigarette purchasing and use (September 2023)

Moodie et al 2023 Improving our understanding of e-cigarette and refill packaging in the UK (September 2023)

We also provide a summary of the main findings of these reports and recommendations for policy makers here. Research summary and policy briefing (September 2023)


Funding the Smokefree Generation - full report (August 2021)

Funding the Smokefree Generation - executive summary (August 2021)

Making Conversations Count: Benefits of improving delivery of cessation interventions for different socioeconomic groups August 2021 – full report


Making Conversations Count: Benefits of improving delivery of cessation interventions for different socioeconomic groups August 2021 – Executive summary

E-cigarette marketing in the UK – full report (March 2021)

E-cigarette marketing in the UK – executive summary (March 2021)

Market and tobacco industry response to standardised packaging in the UK (December 2020) – summary paper

Making Conversations Count: The health and economic benefits of improving smoking cessation support in UK general practice – full report (October 2020)


Making Conversations Count: The health and economic benefits of improving smoking cessation support in UK general practice – executive summary (October 2020)

Developing and testing a standardised evaluation for hospital-initiated tobacco dependence treatment services – full report (April 2020)

E-cigarettes and primary care: A cross-sectional survey of nurses and GPs across the UK – full report (October 2019)

E-cigarettes and primary care – Executive summary (October 2019)

Smoking cessation in primary care: A cross-sectional survey of primary care health practitioners in the UK and the use of Very Brief Advice – full report (March 2019)

Smoking cessation in primary care – executive summary (March 2019)

Stop Smoking Inequalities: A systematic review of socioeconomic inequalities in experiences of smoking cessation interventions in the UK - full report (July 2018)

Stop Smoking Inequalities - executive summary (July 2018)

Evaluating the Scottish Tobacco Retail Register - full report (November 2017)

Cutting Down: The Reality of Budget Cuts to Local Tobacco Control: Results of a survey of tobacco control leads in local authorities in England (November 2016)

Aiming High: Why the UK should aim to be tobacco-free. A report by Cancer Research UK and the UK Health Forum (March 2016)

Reading Between the Lines: Results of a survey of tobacco control leads in local authorities in England (January 2016)

Closing the Doors on Tobacco Promotion: an assessment of small retailer preparations for tobacco point of sale display removal (March 2015) - executive summary

Closing the Doors on Tobacco Promotion: an assessment of small retailer preparations for tobacco point of sale display removal (March 2015) - full report

Taking a Reading: The impact of public health transition on tobacco control and smoking cessation services in England (March 2015)

Tobacco Control Endgames: Global initiatives and implications for the UK (July 2014) – executive summary

Tobacco Control Endgames: Global initiatives and implications for the UK (July 2014) – full report

The marketing of electronic cigarettes in the UK (November 2013)

Tobacco harm reduction and nicotine containing products: research priorities and policy directions (May 2013)

Smuggling, the tobacco industry, and plain [standard] packs (November 2012) - executive summary

Smuggling, the tobacco industry, and plain [standard] packs (November 2012) - full report

Tobacco packaging written by the Centre for Tobacco Control Research (March 2012) - executive summary

Tobacco packaging written by the Centre for Tobacco Control Research (March 2012) - full report

Point of Sale Display of Tobacco Products, written by the Centre for Tobacco Control Research (August 2008)

Youth Perceptions of Drinking and Alcohol Marketing (August 2018) – full report

Awareness of alcohol as a risk factor for cancer in association with public support for alcohol policies: Peer Review (June 2018)

New national alcohol guidelines in the UK: Peer Review (September 2017)

Self-Reported Knowledge, Correct Knowledge and use of UK Drinking Guideline Among a Representative Sample of the English Population: Peer Review (January 2018)

Specialist views of alcohol marketing regulation in the UK (July 2017) - full report

Specialist views of alcohol marketing regulation in the UK (July 2017) - executive summary

Youth engagement with alcohol brands in the UK (July 2017) - full report

Youth engagement with alcohol brands in the UK (July 2017) - executive summary

Public awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer in England in 2015: Peer Review (November 2016)

Alcohol and cancer trends: Intervention scenarios (November 2016) - full report

Alcohol and cancer trends: Intervention scenarios (November 2016) - executive summary

An Examination of Public Attitudes Towards Alcohol Policies (November 2016) - full report

An Examination of Public Attitudes Towards Alcohol Policies (November 2016) - executive summary

Socioeconomic position in childhood and cancer in adulthood: Peer review (March 2016)

An Investigation of Public Knowledge of the Link Between Alcohol and Cancer (March 2016) - full report

An Investigation of Public Knowledge of the Link Between Alcohol and Cancer (March 2016) - executive summary

Making Outcome-Based Payment a Reality in the NHS. Phase 2 - Practical Considerations (November 2021)

Making Outcome-Based Payment a Reality in the NHS. Phase 2 - Practical Considerations - Supplementary Report (November 2021)

Creating time for Research (February 2021) - full report

Creating time for Research (February 2021) - supplementary survey report

Estimating the cost of growing the NHS cancer workforce in England by 2029 (October 2020)

Estimating the cost of growing the NHS cancer workforce in England by 2029 (October 2029) - supplementary information pack

Making Outcome-Based Payment a Reality in the NHS: Full Report (February 2019)

The Future of Clinical Trials After Brexit report (August 2018)

The Future of Clinical Trials After Brexit slide deck (August 2018)

‘Full team ahead’ (December 2017) – executive summary

‘Full team ahead’ (December 2017) – full report

Regulation and governance of health research: five years on (June 2017) - full report

The impact of collaboration: the value of UK medical research to EU science and health (June 2017) – full report

Where next for cancer services in Northern Ireland? An evaluation of priorities to improve patient care (September 2016) - executive summary and recommendations

Where next for cancer services in Northern Ireland? An evaluation of priorities to improve patient care (September 2016) - full report

Where next for cancer services in Wales? An evaluation of priorities to improve patient care (June 2016) - executive summary and recommendations in English

Where next for cancer services in Wales? An evaluation of priorities to improve patient care (June 2016) - executive summary and recommendations in Welsh

Where next for cancer services in Wales? An evaluation of priorities to improve patient care (June 2016) - full report

Meeting patients’ needs: improving the effectiveness of multidisciplinary team meetings in cancer services - executive summary

Meeting patients’ needs: improving the effectiveness of multidisciplinary team meetings in cancer services - full report

‘Testing Times to Come?‘ An evaluation of pathology capacity across the UK- full report

Delivering world-leading cancer services: An analysis of the funding context for cancer services in England (September 2015)

Delivering world-leading cancer services: expert opinions on the changes required to bridge the outcomes gap with comparable countries (September 2015)

Investment and Impact: How Government supports science in the UK (July 2015)

Every patient a research patient? (May 2015)

Measuring up? The health of NHS cancer services (September 2014) - executive summary

Measuring up? The health of NHS cancer services (September 2014) - full report

Impact: Investing in Medical Research for the UK’s Health and Wealth (July 2014)

Exploring the interdependencies of research funders in the UK (June 2014)

Medical Research: What's It Worth? (June 2014)

Working together: The impact of medical research on the health and wealth of the nation (May 2013)

Cancer Services: Reverse, Pause or Progress? (December 2012) - executive summary

Cancer Services: Reverse, Pause or Progress? (December 2012) - full report

Cancer Services: Reverse, Pause or Progress? (December 2012) - recommendations

Ideal Environment for Medical Research (December 2011)

Exploring the Interdependency between Public and Charitable Medical Research (April 2011)

Improving cancer outcomes: An analysis of the implementation of the UK’s cancer strategies (2006-2010) - executive summary and recommendations

Improving cancer outcomes: An analysis of the implementation of the UK’s cancer strategies (2006-2010) - full report

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