RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 2023

Thank you for joining us at RHS Hampton
The Gold award-winning Cancer Research UK Legacy Garden was at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival on 4-9 July 2023.
We are proud to have also won the coveted RHS People’s Choice Award.
Thank you for all of your support.
The Gold award-winning Cancer Research UK Legacy Garden represents the importance of gifts in Wills in beating cancer for future generations.
This life-affirming garden is imagined by award-winning garden designer, Paul Hervey-Brookes. Inspired by the natural landscape, the garden celebrates the hope and optimism brought about by gifts in Wills and encourages reflection, conversation and connection in a tranquil woodland environment.
Read more about the garden features below and find out how you can pledge a gift in your Will to help save lives.
About the garden
Gifts In Wills Guide
All about the guide

Writing a Will can feel like a huge task, but our guide contains all the information you need to take the first step in writing your Will or updating an existing one. Request a guide to receive both a physical and digital copy to find out:
- How to write or update your Will
- What gifts in Wills have helped us achieve
- The different types of gifts you can pledge to leave in your Will
- How CRUK can support you in writing your Will