Staying United: CRUK's Summer of Campaigning

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There's a range of talks and training taking place over the summer to help you to develop your campaigning skills and knowledge.

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Welcome to Staying United: CRUK's Summer of Campaigning online events programme. Below are links to the recordings and resources from the talks and training which have happened so far.

Shoulder to Shoulder: Rebuilding the NHS Workforce:

Calling your MP action prep with Shaun Walsh Find out why we're campaigning to rebuild the cancer workforce and policy developments on this area over the summer (Recorded 19 August 2020)


Why do we need to prioritise cancer diagnosis and treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic? Listen to a panel discussion featuring four experts on the topic (Recorded 1 July 2020)
Tonia Antoniazzi MP on cancer and the importance of campaigning  For this talk we were joined by the Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer and Member of Parliament for Gower constituency. Tonia spoke about the impact COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on the delivery of cancer services. (Recorded 16 July 2020)
How are Cancer Research UK responding to COVID?  Hear from Cancer Research UK's CEO and other leaders on how we've been tackling the impact of COVID-19 on cancer patients and services. (Recorded 2 June 2020)
Getting started on social media Learn what the main CRUK channels and top tips for using social media as a campaigner. (Recorded 25 June 2020)
Developing effective relationships with your politicians Learn more about how to develop effective relationships with your politicians and listen to dicussions on common Ambassador issues on this area. (Recorded 22 June 2020)
Email writing skills Learn top tips on writing more effective emails to influence your MP to take action (Recorded 31 July 2020).
Virtual coffees:
Meet Shaun Walsh Watch Cancer Research UK's Head of Public Affairs and Campaigning, Shaun Walsh answer all your questions. (Recorded 11 June 2020) 
Meet the Campaigns Team Get to know the people behind the campaigns at this friendly, informal webinar. (Recorded 9 June 2020)
Meet the Devolved Team Get to know the people behind the devolved public affairs and campaigning at this friendly, informal webinar. (Recorded 17 July 2020)


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