
Our bowel cancer awareness campaign
Around 110 people are diagnosed and 45 people die every day from the disease - so 'There is Moore to Know'.
We've teamed up with the England Footballers Foundation to raise awareness of bowel cancer, highlight its symptoms, and help educate on ways to prevent against the disease.
Signs and symptoms of bowel cancer

Bowel cancer means cancer that starts in the large bowel (colon) and the back passage (rectum). It is also known as colorectal cancer.
Symptoms of bowel (colorectal) cancer can include bleeding from the back passage, blood in your poo or a change in your normal bowel habit.
They can also be symptoms for other conditions, but it’s important to see your doctor.
Bowel screening

Bowel screening aims to find cancer early or to find changes in your bowel that could lead to cancer.
The screening programmes send a bowel cancer testing kit every 2 years to people who can take part. You need to be registered with a GP to receive your screening invitations. The test is called FIT - Faecal Immunochemical Test. It looks for tiny traces of blood. You do the test at home. The kit contains instructions of what to do including a prepaid envelope to send the sample to the hospital.
You should get the results within a few weeks. The letter will tell you what you need to do next. There are benefits and risks.
Quote from Stephanie Moore

“The ‘Moore to Know’ campaign is absolutely vital in helping us reach millions of men and women who don’t usually give much thought to health messages. Having the current and former England players tell the nation to sit up, listen and learn about bowel cancer will have a huge impact and could save thousands – if not millions - of lives.”