A study looking at giving lifestyle advice to people having treatment for bowel cancer (TreatWELL)
Cancer type:
This study looked at giving advice about diet, physical activity and other lifestyle factors to people who have had treatment for bowel cancer.
They were also given active social and behaviour support to help them change their lifestyle.
More about this trial
Certain lifestyle changes might improve the outcome of treatment for bowel cancer.
Researchers provided a lifestyle advice and support programme for people with bowel cancer from shortly after diagnosis until the end of their treatment.
In this study they wanted to see how practical this was to do.
They used an intervention programme called TreatWELL. It includes advice, social support and support to change behaviour about increasing the amount of physical activity and improving diet.
Advice, social support and support to change behaviour about stopping smoking and reducing alcohol intake was also given where appropriate.
Summary of results
- between diagnosis and having surgery (stage 1)
- just after surgery (stage 2)
- during recovery or treatment after surgery (stage 3)
- physical activity
- diet and weight loss
- alcohol
- smoking
- if enough people would join the study
- if enough people would complete the study
- how well the TreatWELL programme would run
- if the TreatWELL programme could achieve its goals
- how acceptable the TreatWELL programme was to people
- the short time between diagnosis and surgery
- people trying to find the time for the programme visits in addition to the visits for their tests for diagnosis and preparing for treatment
- the short time available to see people in stage 2 of the TreatWELL programme just after surgery
- difficulty identifying when stage 2 stops and stage 3 of the TreatWELL programme starts
- poor recovery after surgery (some people needed to go back into hospital)
- complications of surgery needing stage 3 to be extended
- mixed messages from the NHS staff and the TreatWELL lifestyle coaches
- previous enjoyment of physical activity such as walking
- previous experience of weight loss programmes
- supportive family members
- look at ways to increase the number of people who decided to join
- consider which tools are the best to use
- look at the amount of time and flexibility needed to complete stage 2 and stage 3
- look at ways for the NHS staff to assist with the programme

Recruitment start:
Recruitment end:
How to join a clinical trial
Please note: In order to join a trial you will need to discuss it with your doctor, unless otherwise specified.
Chief Investigator
Professor Annie Anderson
Supported by
Chief Scientist Office (CSO)
NHS Tayside
University of Dundee
If you have questions about the trial please contact our cancer information nurses
Freephone 0808 800 4040