What should I eat to prepare for cancer treatment?

You can help yourself to get ready for cancer treatment by trying to eat a varied diet. A varied diet means eating a wide range of foods in the right proportions. This includes eating enough protein, calories and other nutrients.

Eating a varied diet is one part of prehabilitation.

What is prehabilitation?

Prehabilitation is a programme of advice and support that some NHS hospitals use. It covers three particular parts of your health:

  • what you're eating and your weight

  • physical activity or exercise

  • mental wellbeing

You might be going through a lot when diagnosed with cancer. And focusing on these lifestyle changes might sound overwhelming. Everyone will have different needs and abilities, so do what you can and be kind to yourself.

Don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare team for advice. They will want to help you during this time.

The video below is about what you can eat to prepare for cancer treatment. It is for anyone affected by cancer. The video is one and a half minutes long.

What foods should I eat?

You should try to eat a varied diet. This means eating a wide range of foods in the right proportions. It also includes drinking plenty of fluids. Doing this can help you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. But this doesn’t mean you can’t allow yourself the occasional treat.

Following a cancer diagnosis, you might go through a period of uncertainty and anxiety. This can lead to a loss of appetite and weight. Try to continue eating if you feel like this, following the advice on a varied diet.

The diagram below shows how much of each food group you should eat each day to follow a varied diet. So, divide your plate at each meal as shown below. Each slice shows how much of a food group should be on your plate.

Diagram showing Eatwell guide

This diagram is called Eatwell Guide. We have Eatwell Guides for people who follow African, Caribbean, South Asian and vegan diets.


For each meal, you should try to eat the same number of grams of protein as half your body weight in kilograms. So if you weigh 60kg, you should have at least 30g of protein per meal, three times per day.

Protein is important to build muscle in preparation for surgery. Good examples of high protein foods include:

  • beans

  • pulses

  • tofu

  • fish

  • meat

  • eggs

You should limit the amount of processed and red meat you eat.

Fruit and vegetables

You should eat at least five portions per day. An example of this is 2 to 3 spoonfuls of vegetables, 1 medium piece of fruit and 2 smaller fruits like plums or clementines or a handful of grapes or blueberries.

Drink plenty of fluids

Drink six to eight glasses of water, low fat milk or sugar free drinks. Sugar free drinks include some tea and coffee. Limit fruit juice and smoothies to 150ml per day.

Avoid alcohol as much as possible or drink no more than 14 units a week. Aim to have several drink free days each week.

How does eating a varied diet help?

A healthy weight

Eating a varied diet, together with being physically active, can help you to keep to a healthy weight.

Weight problems are common for people with cancer. This could mean being either underweight or overweight at the time of diagnosis or after some cancer treatments.

Being underweight at the time of diagnosis can affect how well you cope with and recover from treatment.

Obesity is a cause of 13 different types of cancer. This is why it is important to keep a healthy diet, or lose weight, before your cancer treatment and afterwards.

Recovery from treatment

Eating a varied diet can help you to:

  • cope better with the treatment and its side effects

  • recover and heal faster

  • fight off infections

  • feel less fatigued, stronger, healthier and have more energy

If you have diet problems

Some people having cancer treatment or living with cancer can have diet problems. These include:

  • taste changes and loss of appetite

  • weight loss

  • difficulty swallowing

  • digestion problems

  • cachexia (wasting syndrome)

  • not enough fluid in the body (dehydration)

What you can do

There are small steps you can take to eat a more varied diet:

1. Keep an eye on your weight

  • Use a scale to weigh yourself. Report any dramatic weight changes to a health professional.

  • If you are worried about your weight, talk to your GP or ask your healthcare team to refer you to a dietitian. They can give you advice on changes to your diet that are right for you.

  • You can use the free NHS weight loss app to plan your meals and make healthier food choices

2. Check your food choices, including getting enough nutrients like vitamin D

  • Keep a food diary and compare your food choices with what is suggested on the Eat Well diagram. You can do this through apps or using whatever method works for you.

  • Keep an eye on portion sizes.

3. Learn about healthier, balanced options

  • Read food labels to get an idea of how balanced food is. Some food labels are coloured code green, orange or red. A mostly green label means it’s a healthier choice.

  • You can use the free NHS food scanner app to find healthier foods.

4. Consider the impact your food choices can have on your health or weight

  • A diet high in sugar can lead to weight gain and diabetes. So try to think about healthier options.

  • Plan your meals to avoid choosing unhealthy options when you’re hungry.

5. Educate your family and friends

  • It is important that your loved ones understand the importance of a healthy diet before and after your cancer treatment. This is especially so if they normally cook for you.

  • Share this information with your partner, carer, other family members and friends. Together you can make the changes needed in your diet.

More information

You can learn more about how a healthy diet can reduce your risk of cancer, food myths and the role of fibre in your diet.

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