Surgery for vaginal cancer

The operation you have depends on the stage of the cancer, and where it is in your vagina. 

Types of surgery for vaginal cancer

There are different types of surgery for vaginal cancer. Your doctor will talk to you about your operation and the possible complications.

Vaginal reconstruction

Vaginal reconstruction means creating a new or artificial vagina after you have had surgery to remove your vagina.

Before your vaginal cancer surgery

Before your operation you have some tests and meet members of your treatment team. 

On the day of your vaginal cancer surgery

You have a general anaesthetic so you can't feel anything during the operation. This sends you into a deep sleep.

After surgery for vaginal cancer

Your recovery will depend on the type of surgery you have. You may need to spend a few days in the hospital and then give yourself time to recover once you are home.  

Problems after vaginal cancer surgery

There is a risk of problems or complications after surgery for vaginal cancer. Many are minor but some can be serious. Treating complications as soon as possible is important.

Last reviewed: 
09 May 2024
Next review due: 
10 May 2027