Internal radiotherapy

Internal radiotherapy means having radiation treatment from inside the body. It is a treatment for some types of cancer. It is also known as brachytherapy.

There are different types of internal radiotherapy. The type of internal radiotherapy you have depends on where your cancer is.

What is internal radiotherapy?

A sealed radioactive material called a source is put inside your body, into or next to the cancer. Some types stay in the body for a very short time and some are permanent.

Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT)

Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) is a type of brachytherapy used to treat cancer in the liver. This is usually for bowel cancer that has spread to the liver (liver secondaries). 

Internal radiotherapy safety

You need to follow some safety procedures when you have internal radiotherapy. This is to protect others from being exposed to radiation.

Follow up after radiotherapy

You might have regular follow up appointments at the radiotherapy department or if you went to a different hospital for radiotherapy, follow up may be back at your local hospital. Your treatment team will let you know. 

Last reviewed: 
16 Nov 2023
Next review due: 
16 Nov 2027