
So went to docs after finding lump, after having a biopsy told its DCIS but as it presented with a lump have had to do more biopsys today just to be sure...I have been told the lump will be removed regardless of results next week but now thinking worst and wondering what the normal course of action is if it is invasive?

Any help would be much appreciated.

  • Hello Andy191275,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I just wanted to say we are thinking of you as you are waiting for your results. Do you know when the lump will be removed? We hope it all goes well for you.

    We have some detailed information on DCIS on our website here which will tell you more about surgery and treatment for DCIS. If you have any question on anything, you can always ring our friendly expert nurses on this free number 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

    You can also get in touch with several of our members here who have or have had DCIS and I am sure they will be happy to share their experience with you. If you do a search on our forum for DCIS, you will find lots of relevant past threads which you can respond to. I have picked a few recent examples for you and you might be interested in reading [@K38]‍ 's thread here or [@Happylarry]‍ 's story here. Don't hesitate to respond if you want to chat to them. Our most recent post on DCIS was by [@tina.e]‍  and you can find it here.

    I hope you will meet others on our forum who are or have been in a similar position as you at the moment and that they can offer you the support you need at the moment. We are all here for you!

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator 


  • Hey,  I am 38 and was diagnosed with high grade DCIS in October last year.  I had the milk duct containing the DCIS removed and some tissue around the milk duct. My margins were clear as the cancer cells were completely contained in the milk duct. I didn't have radiation therapy and I don't take medication. I will have a mammogram in May this year then annually. My diagnosis was such a shock and it was a very stressful time. It's the unknown. But it was caught early. I had a great surgeon and I have a great GP. I wish you all the best.

  • Hi Andy I am 35 and I was diagnosed with DCIS yesterday. I found a lump a couple of months ago. Initial mammogram and scans showed nothing to worry about but MRI and biopsy showed grade 3. I am more concerned it's grade 3 but only in one tiny area and everywhere else looks fine. Doctor told me I don't have cancer but that if left it probably would develop into it. I have it removed in 2 weeks and 3 weeks of radiotherapy. I guess it could be worse it's not cancer but thought it could be is scary. My mom had BC at 39 so they are watching me very closely. Am also having a lymph gland taken while I am under as they think I may have the BRCA gene and may need further surgery if so. I am just glad it's caught early and I found it as I expect if I had waited a few more years I would be looking at cancer. It's just scary though, happier now I know as waiting for results was horrific. How are you now and have you had the op? Just be good to know what to expect. Take care xx
  • Offline in reply to K38

    Hi K38, 

    I am the same age you were when you were diagnosed, and I have exactly the same high DCIS contained in the milk duct but in my case they are suggesting mastectomy. 

    How has your treatment been?

    Was yours just in a small area of the milk ducts or spread across?

    I am just so confused..

    Please I will appreciate a response from you  


  • Hi there,

    i was diagnosed with high grade DCIS Feb 2018 in both breasts, I was given the option of reconstruction or mastectomy but I decided on lumpectomies. I wasn’t worried with DCIS as it is none evasive and felt my life was not in danger. I was warned that there could be invasive cancer within the DCIS but if there was it would be tiny as it was not picked up on mammogram or ultrasound. As luck would have it they did find evasive post op pathology. This finding did not change anything, I still got the same care path as was determined with DCIS ie radiotherapy and tamoxifen.

    It can be scary and of course you’ll be worried but you should find things settle down once you know what you’re dealing with and what the treatment plan is. Depending on grade etc you may find that you may just get surgery only.

    Having come out the other end of this it is doeable, you can and will get through it.

    all the best x

  • Hi Magpiemaggie,

    Thank you for your kind words  it's really reassuring, I guess they didn't give me an option of lumpectomy because mine is spread across. 

    I will ask again at my next appointment,. 

    Thank you once again. 


  • Hi, yes mine was in a cluster so lumpectomy was possible, however it is still worth asking about alternatives if that’s what you want. 

    Keep in touch x

  • Hi Magpiemaggie, 

    Just found out my lymph nodes are affected with micro metastatic, they have said they might only take off the lymph affected if it remains micro on the day of surgery, but if macro then more or all will be cleared. 

    Did you have clear lymph nodes?

    Waiting for your response. 

    Thanks  xxx


  • Hi,

    had to have three removed as they were ‘reactive’ but final pathology deemed them ‘clear’.  Even if Micro metastasis my treatment would not have change, still had to have rads to whole breast/underarm area . Have you had your op?

  • Hi, 

    Thanks for your response  

    No, I am yet to have op, surgeon was away, waiting for a date now. 

    Since you had 3 removed, do you still have  pain and numbness in that arm?
