Yesterday I was told I have high nuclear grade ductal carcinoma in-situ with comedo pattern necrosis and calcification, no invasion seen. 

I am 38 years old with a 10 year old daughter.

I feel like my life is over. I see a surgeon next week. Any positive stories from women who are going through or have gone through the same as me would be so helpful.

I am struggling to hold it together.

  • Of course you are struggling but your life is far from over. I had a lumpectomy early September and now just waiting to start a course of radiotherapy. I had high grade DCIS. I feel low at times but also realise that the diagnosis was early and therefore treatment is highly likely to be successful. Once my treatment is over I will be monitored closely for the next five years and as my surgeon said, if it comes back we will deal with it. Just keep looking forward and remember the doctors are there to treat your cancer and they will be doing their best to give you a long life.

  • Hi you will be amazed how you will hold it together without even realising it sometimes. You are doing all the right things....getting it sorted and joining here for support for starters. 

    I'm coming up 3 weeks after WLE surgery. Dcis with minimum invasion. A roller coaster indeed and out of blue and I'm sure like most on here you will go through a whole range of emotions none of them are right or wrong.

    I have learned to keep in touch and vent / ask as much as you like. You know where we are of you need support x

  • Sorry it's a bit late but thank you for your reply. 

  • Sorry it's a bit late but thank you for your reply.