Speaking after a laryngectomy

After having your voice box removed (laryngectomy) you will lose your voice. This can be difficult to cope with in the beginning. Your speech and language therapist will show you different ways of communication and support you during this time. 

Learning to speak again after a laryngectomy

Losing your voice if you have had your larynx completely removed (a total laryngectomy) is likely to be a shock in the beginning. Members of your healthcare team will support you during this time. They will also teach you how to speak again.

Voice prosthesis after laryngectomy

A voice prosthesis is the most common way to restore speech after surgery. The voice prosthesis is a valve that allows you to make sounds by pushing air from your lungs through the valve and up into your mouth.

Oesophageal speech after laryngectomy

After a laryngectomy, you are no longer able to speak in the normal way. There are different ways you can communicate, including oesophageal speech.

Electrolarynx after a laryngectomy

An electrolarynx is a battery operated machine that produces sound for you to create a voice.

Last reviewed: 
20 Sep 2024
Next review due: 
20 Sep 2027