Changes to how you look

Cancer and its treatment can change the way you look. This can affect you in different ways. The changes you might have depend on the type of cancer you have and the treatment you need. 

Coping with changes to how you look

It can be hard to accept changes to how you look. Find out what you can do to help you cope.

Changes to your face after surgery

Surgery to your face might change the way you look. Find out what changes to expect and things you can try to help you cope.

Hair loss and cancer treatment

Find out about wigs and other ways you can cover your head to help you feel more comfortable. 

Skin care and make up tips during cancer treatment

Learn skin care and make up tips to help you feel better. 

Resources and support organisations

There are lots of organisations, support groups and helpful books to help you cope with changes to how you look.

Last reviewed: 
16 Feb 2023
Next review due: 
16 Feb 2025