Ive just been diagnosed with Testicular Cancer

I was told i ve got Testicular Cancer on Friday i am 49 and i will be having it removed a week tomorrow. I'm really worried now that it might have spread going on the size of my testicle. I live life to the full and love my life .

  • I'm sorry to read about your diagnosis Tim. 

    This must be a scary time for you right now but you are not alone as [@Geth29]‍ and [@Butterfly1902]‍'s partner were having treatment for this earlier this year and hopefully they'll pop by soon to offer their support and advice now I've mentioned them in this post.

    If you'd like to find out more about them, you can have a look at their discussions on the forum here and here

    Our cancer nurses are just a phone call away if you'd like to have a chat with them as well. They're available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on 0808 800 4040

    I'll have my fingers crossed it hasn't spread and wish you all the best with your removal next week.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Tim, 

    Firstly, sorry for the delay in responding to my name tag, I was attempting to do so on my phone, but wasn't having much luck! 
    I went onto your profile and had a little read of your other posts and I'm sorry I didn't see them sooner, to offer some support as I know that it's a horrible feeling of the "unknown." As Steph pointed out, my partner (Now my husband :) ) Was diganoised with testicular cancer on the 28th March 2019. They removed his testicle on the 3rd April and then he was refered to the Royal Marsden. We waited for 2 months before he could start chemotherapy, as they discovered there was something wrong with his heart. Fast forwarding to his first cycle of chemotherapy. He was given BEP. He was admitted for 5 days of intense chemo, he came home and then for a fortnight he had an outpatients appt for 2 syringe of chemo. We had to attend weekly outpatient appointments and unfortuantly on Friday, they discovered his tumour markers were still high. They wanted to admit him Friday to start chemo, but we explained we was getting married on Saturday so they agreed for him to go in Monday. 
    He's currently in there now having more chemo and is due back in 3 weeks time for another 5 day cycle.

    Is there anything you are wanting to know or curious about? I hope you are doing as well as can be expected. 

    Hope to hear from you soon :) 

