SCC Cancer on skin

Hi there hope you doing ok and suffering no pain 

I have SCC Cancer and was operated on mid last year 2018 and have a APR Barbie Bum but then in November I noticed I had grouths growing in the little opening of my bum area. So the oncologist suggested chemo but it hadn't worked out.

I have got to wait 5 weeks because of the MDT meeting and see the consultant. 

So will wait to see if any if the grouths can be cut away yes I understand  my prognosis is not good but without taking the pain killers I am in pain and if I take I'm sleepy all the time.

The cancer is still in the bum area and not spread to any lymph or organs yet but that's overtime I understand it will happen.

Taking 6 daily paracetamol

Taking liquid 25mg oramorph as and when required 

Taking 4 daily Tramadol

Taking 2 nightly amitriptyline

Would love some feed back about what has been done to you.
