Raised CA125 level

Hi Everyone

so I’ve just had all my bloods done & my CA125 level is 38 so they are sending me for an urgent scan. Has anyone ever had elevated levels & it’s not cancer it’s something else? Thanks

  • Hi Emma and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    [@Vikkib]‍, [@Sarah75]‍ and [@mumof289]‍ have all been contending with this lately so hopefully they'll pop by at some point to discuss this with you.

    As this topic is discussed quite a lot on the forum you may find it helpful to read what two of our nurses have said when they have been asked about this. Just click here and here to find out more.

    I hope this helps Emma and that your scan results bring good news when the time comes.

    All the best, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I had elavated CA125 levels and everything was normal. Slot of countries have stopped using them as an indicator for cancer as lots of other things can cause raised levels.