My partner has pushed me away

My partner was diagnosed with MDS several months ago and the journey has been rough but we always tried to stay positive and remain a team.  

Since meeting his consultant things have really gone downhill. He wasn't a particularly nice doctor and very blunt and it's been extremely hard to take in.

As such my partner has basically stopped reaching out to me, cut off alot of his friends....not wanting to talk and shutting himself away. It's always been one of his coping mechanisms but it all came to a head yesterday as it's sent us both into a massive depression and I burst into tears and told him I couldn't cope with his coldness towards me anymore and maybe we needed to go back to being friends to take the pressure off both of us. 

The things is, it not really what I want but it's proving impossible to carry on being in a relationship with someone who keeps pushing me away and doesn't show any kind of care. 

I understand this is a thing that many patients do and I've tried to look after him in other ways over the last few him healthy meals, getting him shopping, running errands for him, organising lifts to the hospital, keeping track of his medical stuff and doing his UC and PIP forms. I'm not sure how he'll cope on his own but he just doesn't want me around. 

I'm heartbroken and my mental health is suffering so badly. I'm constantly in tears that this horrible illness has effectively torn us apart and I'm hurt by his reaction even though it's completely understandable. 

Any suggestions on ways I can get myself in a better headspace so I can at least be there for him if he decides to reach out later down the line? I feel so lost

  • A warm welcome to the Cancer Chat community Benecke although I'm very sorry to read what's happened between you and your partner since he met with his consultant.

    As you've mentioned in your post, when someone finds out they have cancer it can bring about so many emotions but it can still be very hurtful for loved ones, especially if you find yourself being pushed away. When this happens, it's really important to take time to look after yourself both physically and emotionally and I hope this information we have for family, friends and caregivers will help.

    Quite a lot of our members have also experienced this with their loved ones so you are not alone and hopefully you will receive some support and advice from them soon. If you feel it may help to talk things through with one of our cancer nurses, they're just a phone call away on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    You've done so much for your partner already and I really hope they find a way to come to terms with their diagnosis and re-connect with you soon.

    Best wishes to you both,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi there, me and my partner have been together for a year and now live together, he was diagnosed with cancer 3 months ago, I feel like I'm being pushed away too and don't know what to do for the best? I feel like I'm a hinderence rather than a help and that he doesn't want me around, he hasn't said this but I get the feeling I irritate him. It's so hard to know what to do for the best, sending lots of love 

  • Awww your situation sounds so similar to mine. We've been together the same amount of time and his diagnosis was around three months ago too, only we don't live together. 

    Its really hard isn't it? I went to meet him today and we had a really good chat....I think maybe I need to leave him be sometimes but kinda stay available in the background. I've found going for long walks has helped me clear my head a little and stopped me maybe overthinking as's important to take time for yourself but I think we forget to do it sometimes as cancer can seem all encompassing.

    I guess some times are just gonna be less stressful than others and it's trying not to take their responses to heart when they're having bad days - definately easier said than done though

    Sending lots of love back