More communication between disciplines

I wish that there had been more communication, I had excellent treatment friom the hospital, but I did have a bad reaction to one of the chemio drugs, both durijng and then, not so dramatic, afterwards. The result of the secondary effects was an abhorrence to eating or drinking. I have to admit that I tend to adopt the "brave soldier" attitude (I live alone, happily so), but, looking back, I realise that someone should have stepped in earlier. It was finally a collapse in the carpark at my local supermarket which resulted in my being ambulanced off to hospital.

But, 3 years later, I also realise that some of the things I was told, when not entirely myself, were misunderstoof by me. And I do consider myself to be"brighter than the average bear". One thing was that, as I was about to be put on a course of bisphosphonates, I should have all major dental work likely to be upcoming done immediately. The dentist in question took me at my word. 5 extractions, just in case. 

The result is that I have been on soft foods for neary 3 years now, what with all the various crises we've had. A simple communication to my GP and dentist would have avoided this. Because, as I now discover, there should just be a period of 6 weeks between a bisphosphonate infusion and any major dental work.

Am now awaiting some dentures, but (after, finally, an appointment today, postponed from 27 June, during which some impressions were made) it's going to be some time in 2023 before I eat an apple.

Communication between disciplines would have saved much of this.

And communication has always been the only problem that I have found with the hospital. Otherwise, I love you and am infinitely grateful.

But, communication between disciplines - please!

  • Hello Denique, 

    You raise an important point - that communication between disciplines is crucial and it seems that communication could have been improved in your situation. Poor you ending up in hospital after collapsing in a car park! 

    You probably feel - and rightly so - at the moment like a lot could have been avoided if communication had been better and you had known that it was best to wait 6 weeks between a bisphosphonate infusion and any major dental work. I bet you cannot wait to taste that first apple and it will be amazing when you can bite into it! 

    I do hope that communication will improve over time - make sure you pass your feedback on to the hospital, do tell them about the positive things you have experienced but also flag these communication issues which have had an impact on your life and which you feel they could improve on. You can, for example get in touch with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) - more information on this can be found on this page.

    Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts on this - I am sure many members of our community will relate to the points you've made. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator