Mirena coil for endometrial cancer aged 31

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia with atypia and grade 1 endometrial cancer, stage 1b (I think but its possible I've made that up as the last 4 months have been a whirlwind.) In January 2021. I had a mirena coil inserted and told it would be good to lose weight as I am obese and that's likely the cause of the cancer. My Nana also had this cancer at age 30. I haven't managed to lose any weight and my first biopsy after 4 months showed no change to the cells. I'm waiting to hear what the next steps are. I was wondering who else has had the mirena coil and did it work for you? How quickly did you see results? I'm really hoping for the ability to retain my fertility and not have a hysterectomy. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Shellbot although I'm sorry about your diagnosis.

    I've had a quick look through the forum for you and found a discussion you may find helpful. It actually started all the way back in 2010 but as new members have joined, the conversation is still going today. You can have a look at it just here.

    You may also want to reach out to a member called MClara. They joined the forum in March and are in a similar situation to yourself. If you'd like to find out more just click here

    I hope this helps but if you'd like to talk things through with one of our cancer nurses they're just a phone call away on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi ,

    I am older than you are, so fertility was not an issue for me and I can fully understand how you want to maintain your fertility.

    I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in January this year.

    It was a huge shock to me.

    I too was told to lose weight as it can be a factor in causing cancer and it makes recovery harder if you have any surgery.

    I was scared of it all and lost 3 stones in 3 months before the hysterectomy.

    I am still in the obese range, but feel a lot better after the weight loss.

    It was hard to lose it, but if I can do it,, anyone can, as Iv e tried off and on for years!

    Maybe you could   get some support from your doctor and ask to be referred to a nutritionist.

    I had the modems could fitted in March., It suppresses the cancer and is used as an early treatment.

    My cancer was stage 1 too, so it is treatable.

    Write questions down and get as much information as possible at your appointment.

    There may be other ways to keep your fertility.

    I know your situation is different to mine, but I'm sure the outcome will be positive for you.

    My best wishes to you,

    Keep busy and stay positive.

    Losing the weight will really help you in the future,

    I know It's hard, but you will be glad you did it,

    In sure there's lots of support to help yiu,





  • Hi Daaisymae,

    Sorry to hear for your diagnosis and massive congratulations on the weight loss! That is very inspiring. 

    How did you get on with the coil, if you don't mind me asking? Did it cause any regression to your cancer?

    Unfortunately mine did not on the first biopsy but I'm holding out hope that maybe it was just too soon to see a positive response.

    I'm not eligible for any fertility sparing treatments because of my BMI, so I hope this works. I've started to diet but it's only early days for me.


  • Hi,

    im just wondering how you are getting on now and what steps they took for you, as I am 22 and got diagnosed with stage 2 endometrial cancer and they want to stick me on the trial with the mirena coil instead of a hysterectomy and I am just worried about getting worse instead of better

  • Hi becks12,

    I'm waiting for a second biopsy, which will be at the end of the October. This would have been 2 x 4 months of the mirena and I believe if there is no change then I will have to have a hysterectomy at this point. I don't bleed heavily now, which was was common symptom I was experiencing, so the mirena has really helped my quality of life but unfortunately after 4 months the cells were unchanged. So it hadn't got worse but it hadn't improved either, though the symptoms definitely were reduced.

    Do you want a hysterectomy? I was told that they are only giving me this treatment as I hope to have children. If I didn't they would have gone straight with hysterectomy and I think if this is your preference then they would consider it.

    I think the mirena works for 50% of people I was told, so hopefully that will include you. 

  • Hi,

    I'm just wondering how you are getting on?

    I did not want the hysterectomy and I had the coil inserted a few months back and then on my biopsy a few months later my cancer had spread and gotten worse.

    I had no choice but to get a hysterectomy I had it done 7 weeks ago but they were able to preserve my ovaries which is something

  • Hi,

    I'm sorry to hear that! How are you dealing with it?

    Currently my biopsies have shown no change/slight regression depending which doctor/consultant I hear from over the past year, the next one coming up next week marks a year since having the coil inserted.

    They don't think the coil will be enough for me though and have advised weight loss, which I'm trying to do and have joined a group so will see if that has an affect.