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Metastatic melanoma

Hi. My friends brother has been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic melanoma ( I hope I have put that right). Does anyone know what could be of any use - in the cannabis side of things? The hospital have said there is nothing they can do to cure it, just manage it. 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Comet although I'm sorry to read that your friend's brother has been diagnosed with metastatic melanoma.

    I know you were wanting to find out about the 'cannabis side of things' so I just wanted to stop by and let you know that although research is ongoing there is currently not enough reliable evidence to prove that cannabinoids can effectively or safely treat cancer patients.

    One of our cancer nurses made a post made about this earlier today in response to another member asking a similar question to yourself. I've included a link to this comment (just click on the word post in the previous sentence) so you can have a read. 

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator