Stage 4 cancer

What's the best way to cope after finding out one of your family members has cancer, I know coping varies person to person but I dont know what to do.

  • Hello there

    My dad was diagnosed stage 4 lung cancer in March, a fit and healthy chap so we thought. I instantly felt a stopwatch had started.  I visited him every day after work, took him to any appointment, we drove around where he grew up, chatted and laughed at ridiculous things. He died in May. I was, and am, devastated. But those 8 wks were good. Make the most of your situation. I wish you every positive thought x Nic

  • My grandma cant talk now, we cant take her out of the hospital but I'll take your advice and spend as much time with her as possible thank you and I'm sorry for your loss


  • Dear Newcastle 96

    my Dad was diagnosed in December 2015 and passed away September 2016 after a battle to fight off Unknown primary cancer stage 4, at the time my stomach felt like someone had kicked it in.

    i spent every moment I could either taking dad to chemo, popping round to see him and just kept life as normal admit possible. 

    There is no right thing to do ,it is what feels best , but I know I done all I could and said all I could while my dad was still with me .

    Take care 

  • Unfortunately my grandma passed away on monday, a day before her birthday.

    I only found out she had breast cancer at the start of december so we didnt have a lot of time left together I honestly dont know what to do at the moment 

  • Hey there,

    I am 17 and my dad was first diagnosed with cancer back in February of 2018, and made terminal in March of this year. We have recently discovered that chemotherapy is not working and we have no treatments left. We try not to, however, limit his life. Although hes in pain we still do all we can to make life as normal as possible. I too understand how you feel but remember that everything will be ok xx 

  • My dad has been diagnosed with stage 4 Non Small Cell Lung Cancer which spread from his lung to the pluera.  They have said they will start Chemo in January.  He has COPD, Asthma, Emphasima & Fibrosis amongst other health conditions so we were told Radiotherapy wasn't an option.  They couldn't give us a time expectency until they see how he responds to the treatment.  I'm terrified of losing him and tbh don't know what to say or do. 

    Has anyone been in a similar situation?