Loosing Mum Sept 2012 and unsupportive husband.


This is the first time ever that i have used a chat room, i hope i can get some help and advise from anyone in the same/similar situation as me.  I lost my mum on 22nd september 2012 to a rare aggressive inoperable cancer which originated from licens sclerosis to vulval cancer, both of which were maintained and treated.  It wasnt until a secondary cancer to her lymph nodes in her groin that things took a bad turn.  In february this year things started to appear and after a dose of radiation in June she slowly started to deteoriated and endured excruiatingly painful fungating tumours in the most private of areas, and we watched her die a slow and painful death. My poor little dad who is 80 was in denile all the time and refused to admit the full scale of things, and wouldn't face up to facts is devasted after 52 years of marriage some one he loved so dearly died so suddenly and in such an awful way.  I am one of four siblings so formed a close bond with my two sisters and brother ( who is due to emigrate to Australia on new years eve ).  My husband works hard and is a good man, we have been married 25 years this year, He is a good father to our grown up sons, and i love him very dearly,but he was bought up by parents who didnt show any love or affection, now over the years i have learnt cope with this and tried to show him how to be loving and caring as my family background is total oposite to his, he's done ok not brilliant but has tried.  Since all this with mum i feel i have been totally deserted by him, he doesnt know what to say or do to comfort me and i am finding this hard, he finds it difficult to talk about things.  I dont need much just to be asked if im ok or to just put his arm round me, just a few nice reassuring words but nothing.  I am beginning to resent him for this I tend to lean on people that are open and kind and caring and this helps. I can see him closing in on me and me on him too.  We managed to have a weekend away to spain a couple of weeks ago which i thought may help, it was nice to get away but conversation was a struggle. Has anyone experienced a similar diagnosis as mum as we were told only 5% of people get thie type of cancer and would be good to chat to others.

bye for now Julie

  • Oh Julie,

    I send you a warm welcome to Cancer Chat and thank you for telling us your story Julie. Firstly I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mother for I know all too well what that's like, for I lost my mother to breast cancer which spread to her brain just under seven years ago.

    But to hear that your husband is not supporting you must be even harder for you. For losing someone you love dearly is always a very traumatic time and now is the the time when you need all the support you can get and I feel so sorry for you. I know some men find great difficulty in talking about grief and I know sometimes men don't know what to say, but he could just give you a hug to show you he cares and understands how you are feeling. I hope you are able to resolve the problem between you. But until then Julie, people on here will do all we can to help and support you through this difficult time. Anytime you want to chat, please come back on here and I and others will respond I promise.

    Please take care of yourself and let us know how you get on, kind regards Brian

  • Hi Jules23 (and namesake of mine)

    Firstly may I say I am sorry for your loss and glad that you found the forum which I am sure will show you lots of support. Though I have no knowledge of the terrible cancer which caused your Mum's passing I can and do relate to your 'lack of communication' with your husband for I too have this frustration (as I call it).  I also lost my dad to cancer some 4 and a half years ago and watched a three month fight with life (his words) whilst my Mum (then 82) kept vigil.

    My husband now has cancer of lung membrane which is incurable and has pallative care team though he is coping on painkillers quite well at present (recovering slowly from a short course of chemo). His whole family do not chat for the sake of it, just when they have something to say (pretty rare these days). I am so pleased you have close family siblings to support you (make sure you use them as you need that support as much as they need yours).  I have been married 35 yrs and we knew each other 5 years before than (first boyfriend syndrome). Would not exchange him for the world but still find it hard to cope with the silent treatment. He has always been quiet but now is withdrawn. I think this is his coping mechanism but you just cannot change someones personality. I am sure your husband would be devasted if he knew how much this is effecting you and in the end you might just have to say 'if we cant talk about it please can I just have a hug'.  Inside he is probably frightened of saying the wrong thing as he know you are suffering with the loss of your Mum and so many of us cannot cope with talking about death - am sure this is a British thing as when I visit friends in Europe it just seems part and parcel of their life. Different culture I suppose.

    Anyway have rambled enough. Do come back on here when you need to get things out in the open and I am sure there are others on here who will be along to offer advice and may know more about the cancer side of things.  Take care Jules54

  • Hi Jules54

    Thank you so much for your kind words of support, it has been is so tough, and i am so sorry to hear of your husbands illness too, it just makes things easier if it can be easier if we can all communicate but for some reason some people just cannot, I really feel for you cancer its such a wicked disease, its been 9 weeks now since we lost mum and i cant tell you how hard it is especially this time of year, you try so hard to carry on for your family but my goodness, some times i just dont want to get up but you have to, i keep thinking what mum would have wanted for us.  I sent my husband a long email yesterday and explained everything to him how i was feeling etc,  he did email back but seemed to be that he was feeling sorry for himself said that i've changed and not the person i used to be i dont quite know what he excpects......... its made me even more frustrated, I know i will have to make the effort else nothing will happen to break this cycle with him but i am too tired and not emotionally strong enough at the moment, so there is a lot of silences, like you we have been together a long time too, went to school together i was 14 him 15 we are both a couple of years off 50 and like you first boyfried syndrome.  i think you are right about the coping mechanism, mum's light went out in June after her Radiotherapy when she found out the full extent of her illness, that was the last time i can remember her as her old self, and i keep trying to think back to when she was happy but it is hard going.  Thinking of you both.

    Bye for now


  • Hiya Jules

    Weird, I feel like I am writing to myself!!  It must be very hard trying to cope with the

    grief of your loss and and unsympathetic other half. At least by e-mailing him with your feelings he has no doubt about what you think. I am sorry it did not bring the right reaction for you but first and foremost you must look after yourself and continue your grieving process. I think that after so long with each other we become comfortable in the friendship and perhaps other feelings go on back burner but you hurting, frustrated, angry (lots of other words come to mind too).Now you have found the forum I hope you can rant, relieving the stresses you feel and begin to cope a day at a time.  This time of  year is hard for all those who have lost whether it be a new loss or a long held memory. I hope that in time you resolve your differences and move into a new (but maybe different) understanding of each others feelings. To a point I have now accepted that conversation is not spontaneous and my husbands comment was, you have two ears but only one mouth so its obvious you should listen more than you talk!!!! Am now convinced that us women just enjoy a good chat and men just do not understand us!!  Hope you havea better weekend and take comfort from the fact that other members of you family love and support you. Could your husband be jealous of your family's closeness? Years ago I felt this way about how close my husbands family were (I am an only child) but now I am very grateful to have an extended family.

    Well, have  done a 3 mile round trip to Sainsburys (dont drive and love wallking) which has cleared the cobwebs and we have just finished breakfast so will settle down to watch Saturday Kitchen.

    Take care  Jules54

  • This is an old chat so don't know if you will read this. The only way I can relate to your post is that I lost my mum to cancer . I now have been told I have early stage CLL my husband has been unsupportive in many ways . When I had surgery to remove what turned out to be a lymph node my husband could not cope and was verbally abusive when I reminded him what my test were for he laughed belittled me and called me a drama queen. When results came back he did not want to know and was trying to question the doctor in way he wanted them to tell him what he wanted to here. We separated for a while he came back and yet again he is being unsupportive . The first thing he did when he left is arrange a holiday for himself. I have now had a mole removed for testing and have been told to avoid the sun and cover up so thought it best I put holiday that had been arranged for both of us to go to Spain as it is very hot at the moment and I am waiting for my results. My husband is ignoring what is going on I went to have mole removed on my own few days ago .He is flying off to Spain for two weeks holiday tomorrow then he is back for two weeks and off again. He has not talked to me does not want to know and can't see what is wrong with his behaviour . I feel cross alone sad and lost . The most important thing to him is his holiday and what he wants to do iam an inconvience . Think it is the end of this marriage
  • Hello sandra22 and welcome to our forum.

    I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through with your recent health issues and with the situation at home, that can't be easy.

    Have you considered speaking to someone that might be able to help you with sorting all of this in your mind? I think it is important not to face such a challenging time alone. 

    We have some information on our website about the different types of counselling available and you can read more about them here.

    I hope this helps and that you feel better soon.

    Take care,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator