End of life, not end of life... confused...

My mum has metastatic bowel cancer, diagnosed in Nov last year.  Started chemo in January but cancer continued to grow.
At Easter she went in to hospital as her bowel had perforated and she was given about 48 hours, a week max...  a week later she was home and feeling fine!! At this point she saw the oncologist who said because of the level of cancer it would be weeks rather than months (5.5 weeks ago)
She was re-admitted to hospital a week after getting home, this time her bowel was blocked and she was being sick and was so very ill. Again she was given 48 hours.
Over the last 4.5 weeks she has had all the signs that she would pass away within weeks, however over the last week or so this has all changed. She no longer has the confusion, she is eating & drinking, her bowels are moving properly and she no longer sounds chesty. Other than being very weak and gets breathless when she moves, she is absolutely fine...
Anyone else had this... we dont expect she will pass away very soon but we've been told it can change quickly...
We are grateful for the extra time with her but very confused and dont want to.plan anything...


  • Hi Ashbash, 

    Hopefully some of our members who have been through this part of the cancer journey with their loved ones will be along soon to share their experiences with you but I thought I'd also share some information we have about what to expect and look out for in the final few weeks and days.

    I hope this helps but if you like, you can talk this through with one of our cancer nurses on 0808 800 4040. The phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator