Dad has Cachexia, struggling to get him to eat. Any ideas?

I wondered if anyone could give advice. My Dad is 71 and battling Peritoneal cancer. He has absolutely no appetite and in the last 4 months has become skin and bone. Me and my mum try to encourage him to eat but he just can't as he feels so sick. I did some Google searching today because I wondered when/if he should be admitted to hospital for malnutrition. He looks like he could just fade out at any time. He has been prescribed Ensure but he just steadfastly refuses to drink them because he doesn't like the taste. He has become so stubborn about this issue, and I actually wonder if that is a brain misfire because he is malnourished. Like maybe Anorexic people have. I guess what I'm asking is - when do we take him to A&E and ask for a feeding tube? And does anyone have any tips on how to get him to at least try this Ensure? Is it tough love time I wonder - as in, you have to help yourself now a bit? I don't want to upset him, but I feel he has given up. I don't know if he knows how serious things are now.  

  • Hello Zoe-K

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's diagnosis and the problems that he's currently experiencing. It's obviously an incredibly difficult time for you all. 

    We do have some information on our website about diet problems with cancer and also about cachexia which you may find helpful but I'd suggest giving our team of nurses a ring to talk things through with them. I'm sure they will be able to give you some advice and support. They're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 


  • Hi have you tried complan (banana, strawberry chocolate or vanilla) hubby seems to like this made with full cream milk, my hubby has lost a lot of weight the last few weeks would not take fortisip milk drink because of the taste, at least he takes complan(Gp can prescribe it) talked to cancer nurse today who recommended double cream to make his porridge and use it with proper butter for mashed potatoes also told me to get ensure fruit juice (maybe freeze them and use it as a lollypop ‍♀️) have you had anti sickness tablets from Gp? December 2019 hubby would not eat  anything I was at my wits end tried him with a small banana split, ended up eating it 6 times a day(then his phosphate levels went to high) so cut out the banana and he just had full fat ice-cream and double cream he then improved and was eating ok up until 3-4 weeks ago when his thyroid gland started playing up and went over active . He was diagnosed in May 2019 with advanced kidney cancer that had spread to his lungs and hip my world just shattered very grateful to this site for giving me hope

    Take care