complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia 31

Hi All 

looking for some advise / anyone sharing the same experience. I was diagnosed with complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia and had the mirena coil fitted in September . I am due to go back for my 6 month check up in the next few weeks. 

I have been told it’s rare to have the condition at 31 years old. I am keen to start and family and wondered if anyone has been through this and gone on to have a successful pregnancy? 

I have a very unhelpful specialist, I don’t really know what the next steps are good or bad. 

I have suffered from PCOS for many years and knew something else was up. I feel I have been a little let down as had always been told nothing was wrong then it clearly was.

I have a very supportive partner and family (an awesome Sister that listens) but find it hard to chat with people who don’t really understand how I am feeling.

Any advise would be welcomed.

Georgie x

  • Welcome to the forum Georgie although I'm sorry for the reason you are posting.

    I can see you've connected with [@CaitG]‍ and received a friend request from [@SarahBuggies]‍ which is great and I'm sure they will do all they can to help and support you at this time but I just wanted to share some discussions by other members in similar situations that you may like to have a look at and get involved in as well. To have a read just click here and here.

    Our cancer nurses are just a phone call away if you'd like to chat to them about your situation as well. their freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and are available Monday - Froday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Do continue to chat with us here Georgie as our members really do understand what you're going through. 

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Georgie

    Im 32 and I’ve been trying for children for 2+ years. Through fertility investigations found out I had PCOS, then polyps which were removed. And now just been told that I have Complex Hyperplasia with Atypia. I’m due to have a D&C scrape to check for any other cells and I’m concerned this will come back bad. 

    They’ve recommended the coil and monitoring for at least 12 months with a biopsy taken every 6 months.


    I was wondering how your treatment went? 


    Also wanted to hear from others on what happens,  if through further biopsy’s they find more cells. Is the only treatment left after a coil to have a hysterectomy? 


    Gemma xx

    It’s devastating we’ll have to delay our plans for children even further and may not be able to have any. But I know health is priority.

  • Hi all

    I was diagnosed with Complex Hyperplasia with Atypia at the age of 35, I also had a number of polyps.

    My consultant gave me the option of a full hysterectomy or the Mirena. Due to my personal situation at the time I went for the Mirena & I’m happy to report that 10 years on, I’ve been free from Hyperplasia & have had no dodgy biopsies.

    So the coil has worked for me. But I’m 45 now & my husband & I have no desire to have children so the time has come for me to think about having a hysterectomy - am seeing my consultant in a few weeks to talk about it.

    When I was diagnosed, I was told that the condition is rare in pre menopausal women, and the majority have hysterectomies so there haven’t been many studies on long term treatment with the Mirena coil. That’s one of the things I’ll be discussing.

    Hope everyone is ok & the coil is doing its job.


  • Hello! I am older then most of you on here and I want to start off by saying how brave many of you are to have been dealing with this in your young childbearing years. You are an inspiration. I guess I feel in a way that I brought this on myself. I suffer from depression and found that bio identical  estradiol was helping me through the change enormously. But my body wasn’t utilizing the progesterone I was taking half the month and now I have CAH. Not sure why the progesterone wasn’t working, but anyway to late to worry about that now. My doc has stopped all my estrogen abruptly and I am being fitted with Mirena next week. I have heard that this condition can be reversed in cases where HRT was the culprit. But not sure my body will respond to the  progesterone and also not sure I can combat my depression  without at least a smidge of estrogen to help me through so I am talking to an oncologist about surgery. I wanted to ask, of those if you who have had surgery, did you get to keep your cervix and ovaries? I’ve never had surgery before and I’m a bit scared. Thanks and love.