
I need to get this off my chest really as I see this as some form of therapy to get through this.

I've been struggling for some time with severe pain in my left leg, groin and buttock. An ultrasound scan in March showed a slightly enlarged prostate gland but is, according to my GP  not to be the source of the pain.

I also had to have a catheter fitted due to urine retention in March but this isn't causing the pain as I had the pain before the catheter was fitted. I had a MRI scan 10 days ago and received the results this week. 

The consultant has informed me that the results show something abnormal near my groin and he has investigated further and said he's 90% certain it's cancerous. I'm now down for a CT scan and biopsy in July.

What he can't understand is what type of cancer it is as he can't see why and where the cancer has originated from. This may seem strange but I have to follow his judgement. 

Anyway a biopsy and ct scan should show a more detailed picture and he can confirm the situation. I'm now on morphine to help with the severe pain and discomfort.

It's certainly a very worrying time for myself and my family but fingers crossed !


  • Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Once the doctors have the results of CT scan and biopsy things move very quickly and treatment will begin to put things right. The waiting for results is worrying but rest assured your team will do the best for you.

    My cancer was very different and I'm coming to the end of treatment but have nothing but praise for my team who are still looking after me. I found this site helped a lot. 
    Best wishes 


  • Thank you for your reply 

    I like so many people find it so much easier to write rather than talk face to face on the subject of cancer.

    My diagnosis was only made 3 days ago and all sorts of questions are going through my head at the moment. Reading through the topics here have answered some of them. It's very reassuring to know I'm not alone. Again thanks for the reply