Chronic myeloid leukaemia

Hello all,

I am Sophie, 28 years old and a mother to 4 children age 9, 6, 5 and 3. 

In November I was diagnosed with CML - chronic myeloid leukeamia. It's strange really because I'd always thought of myself as healthy and being young you just never thing something like this is going to happen to you! 

I am looking to talk to people who are in the same boat or similar to compare and talk about the struggles faced with an incurable type of cancer.

Thank you x

  • Hello Sophie and welcome to the forum. 

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with CML. I'm sure it's been a difficult time adjusting to the impact that this diagnose will have on you and your family. 

    I've had a look through the forum and can see that we've had 2 other members posts recently about CML - [@Steve66]‍ and [@Unluckylu90]‍ . As I've tagged them in to this response, hopefully they will see your post and pop along to say Hello! 

    You may have more luck connecting with others via a specialised support group for CML. You can find some links to other various organisations here

    I hope that some of this helps. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi there ..

    So so sorry your going through this .. esp with young ones to care for to ..

    I just wanted to welcome you .. I'm a breast cancer lass ... and although there's not many with that cancer on here, we are all in the cancer rollercoaster...there's so many of us, your not alone ..

    My beautiful amazing granddaughter has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia... she's 17 .. and just finished her first round of chemo ..  so this has touched our family ... and I'm so so proud of her..

    So here's to you both kicking cancers butt right down the road .... cancer sucks, and it has no bounds or compation .. but together well look it in the eye and get our boxing gloves on .. 


    Sending you a vertual hug...

  • I'm so sorry to read your story. I do wish you and your family the best. 

  • Hi,  I am sorry you have been diagnosed with C M L.  My husband has recently been diagnosed with CLL and has started treatment.  I found the Patient Power site has alot of useful and practical information regarding these illnesses.


    Take care


  • Hello

    i am NOW 59 

    i was diagnosed in April 2011 and like you it was a massive kick in the wotsits having been fit and well my symptoms were aching hands, pain under my ribs on the left side and running out of energy I had been losing weight but I thought it was because of the training I was doing at the time. I also thought I was getting arthritis in my hands. After the blood test I was called into the Doctors later the same day when I was given the news. The first 9 months they took bone marrow out of my pelvis (very odd experience) during and after I've been on 400Mg Imatinb since 

    I have been fine since,  so much so that the Doctors are thinking I can go onto a reduced dose of 200Mg