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Hello everyone ! My father is 68 years old and have prostate cancer and bone loss.For a while he doesn't feel appetite for food at all.The level of hemoglobin are very low and have very strong pain in an bones.Please can you give me your advice which CBD oil / SATIVA 5 % per 5 ml or HYBRID 3.2% per 5 ml  or INDICA 1.5 % per 5 ml  / will be suitable for him , in the condition that he have accelerated pulse.Thank you very much for your attention and help in advance.


  • Hello and welcome to Cancer Chat, dimitar1973. I'm sorry to hear about your father's diagnosis. 

    Your father needs to talk to his medical team about wanting to use CBD oil, or any other complementary treatment, before using it. I saw that Nurse Celene replied to another member about this question recently, so I'm copying some of her response here for your ease to read:

    "From my understanding it (CBD oil) does not have a licence to be used as a treatment. This is because the active ingredients in cannabis which are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are still being researched as a possible treatment for cancer.

    Because of this the oil will not be something that is regulated like other medications, so you will not be fully aware of its contents. I’d imagine the medical team would not want them to use this due to the potential unknown side effects that could occur due to a possible interaction. So far there isn’t any evidence gathered through research to show it is an effective cancer treatment. You may find this page on our science blog interesting."

    If you would like to talk to our nurses further about your father's options for pain relief, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 (Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm).

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hello! I personally use Hemp Oil, Hemp buds and tea together. Definitely helps a lot to my mum, especially with the pain. She is as well 68 years old with very strong pains in the bones.

  • Hi there ..

    I got a 5% one from Holland and Barrett... after hearing so much good things about this .. unfortunately, l found no difference ... a relative of mine swears by it ... there is info on it like the nurses have pointed out ..  it is being looked at more now , while the jury is out ... I'm glad I tried it .. but wouldn't get again .. 

    Hope you find all the info you need .. and like me you could try it and see .. 
