Cannibis oil

Hi I’m new to the group and very confused my mum has breast and liver metastasis been on different chemo treatment since 2015 has been now told no more treatment available and has 3-4mths to live so was hoping to get her on the oil to extended the life or even cure but confused as to which to get either cannibis oil or hemp oil help please 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Tinybas although I'm sorry to read about your mum's situation and for the reason you are posting.

    We have had a discussion about this on the forum recently that I have included here for you to have a look at as it explains the difference between cannabis oil and hemp oil as well as the research that has been carried out about it in relation to it being used as a cancer treatment.

    Do make sure you talk to your mum's medical team about this if you haven't done so already as they will be able to tell you more. Our cancer nurses are a phone call on 0808 800 4040 (freephone), Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5pm so you can give them a call if you would like a general chat with them about this as well.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator