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Cancer & CBD oil

Hi my husband has recently be diagnosed with blood cancer we are thinking of using CBD oil does anyone on here use it or thinking about using it. Any information would be great.


  • Hi Sharon. Welcome to the forum.

    This is a very difficult topic which has been discussed a number of times in this forum. 

    Cancer Research UK, who kindly host this forum, maintain a blog page on the uses of cannabis and cannabis products in cancer patients. Although it's dated 2012, the page is regularly kept up to date. You can read the blog here.  I suggest you take some time to read this first. 

    Even getting hold of the products is a bit of mine-field. Some forms are just illegal, whereas other forms have had the psycho-active component removed and therefore may be legal.  And sadly some are simply fake products which don't contain whatever they say on the label. 

    It might be helpful if you could post details of your husband's diagnosis as a new thread in the Newly Diagnosed section of the forum. That should attract helpful replies from people who have more experience with your husband's type of cancer. 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Sharon.

    I'm sorry to hear that your husband has been recently diagnosed with blood cancer.

    As you asked about CBD oil, I thought I might stop by and leave you with a post that moderator Helen made about this back in September and which covers a lot about the subject, and I hope this will help with some of the questions you may have.

    Also, our cancer nurses would be happy to chat with you if you feel like giving them a phone call about this. They're available on this phone number 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    Best wishes to you and your husband,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator