
Hi everyone, I rang my Drs yesterday due to months of having a hoarse voice, sore throat (more scratchy), feeling short of breathe a lot & found a lump on my throat...I suffer with health anxiety, depression and bipolar so I expected it to be like any other Dr appointment where I’d say I think I have —— & my Dr would say stop being silly it’s this.....but this appointment didn’t go that ended up with me being referred urgently to CR :( I’m absolutely petrified, I have 4children and don’t know what to do....does anyone have any advice for me please?

  • Welcome to the forum Anxmum although I'm sorry for the reason you've joined us.

    Many of our members know how scary it can be when the words 'urgent referral' come up but I hope it helps to know that 9 out of 10 people referred this way are not diagnosed with cancer. You can find out more just here.

    The waiting for tests (and then the results) is always very tough but our community are here for you and will hopefully be along soon to offer their support and advice. In the meantime, I hope these tips I've found on the NHS website will help keep your worries and anxiety at bay until you find out more.

    Fingers crossed everything will be o.k Anxmum.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator