

has anybody experienced,this awful situation.Finished my 2nd cycle of Palbociclib last Friday,got an appointment for my Zometa for this Friday but no time,I have phoned the hospital on several occasions and they say they are to busy to give time,have been in touch with Breast Care Nurses and they say that they cannot do anything as that is not their department,I am totally stressed out at this mess,it is now Wednesday and I hope I get a time,for to receive my bone strengthener 

i really thought the BCN where there to take the stress out of appointments,and so on.One Nurse has said that I am getting the important part of my treatment,(being Palbociclib and Letrazole).

If I don’t get a time,I shall get to the ward on Friday and sit there all day until I get my treatment.

  • Hi Zometa, if you haven't received a reply to your request yet,contact PALS at the hospital (patient and liaison support) and they will investigate for you. 

    I'm really surprised at the breast care nurses as they normally are very helpful especially at my hospital. If you have MacMillan at the hospital you could try calling them,they might speak to the nurses on your behalf. It's a really stressful time and having appointments run smoothly without you having to worry about them makes a big difference.

    Hope you get it sorted.
