Zoladex- can anyone help?

I have been on zoladex for one month now after a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment since May this year. 

I am hoping to find some other women here who have been on zoladex. 

The first month for me was ok, but right towards the end I started to feel very low and now I can’t stop crying. It’s been four days now. I just had the second injection yesterday.  I don’t know if this is normal, if this will go or if it will get worse...

Can anyone help as I’m seriously worrying about it. 

Thank you! 

  • Hiya, I can’t offer any experience sorry, but I’m following your post as I’ve just had my first injection so I’m trying to find out what to expect.... I’m really sorry you are struggling at the moment x 

  • Hello Kelakela,

    It's all pretty tough isn't it?

    I am on Zoladex. I have been on it for the past 7 years. Yes I was very emotional to start with, but I'm not sure if that was the Zoladex or not. It could have been for any number of reasons for me. It's pretty hard getting any kind of cancer diagnosis isn't it? I was also really suspicious of it as it was something new to me and I never like taking stuff unless I have to.

    But now, 8 years after diagnosis, I am really pleased to say that everything was still stable at last scan and I am living my life.

    Although I question everything still (I'm a bit of a pain I think actually), I am learning to trust more and I am sure that the Zoladex has helped me to remain stable for as long as I have. And my emotions are relatively settled at the moment. I've even got used to the wasp sting feeling that I get with it each month. And I celebrate being here to have it! And my nurse at my doctors is fabulous and we have got to know each other quite well through the years.

    So far so good.

    Hope this helps, it's just my experience of it. Everyone is different, but please don't worry too much as it's early days isn't it. I used to waste a lot of my time worrying about everything. Now I don't so much, as it's never the things I'm actually worrying about that are the things that I should have (if you see what I mean?)...

    I'm in danger of waffling now so I'll say goodbye for now. Please feel free to pm me if you like. I don't always get on here much, but I will always reply eventually.

    Big hugs, and all best wishes to you,




  • Hi, 

    Let me know how you get on this month. I had very few issues until this last week. I’m just hoping it gets better than it is right now. 

    Sending positive vibes your way. 

  • Hi Mary, 

    Yes it’s been a real shock going through the diagnosis and then the treatment. It still feels unreal as it all happened so fast. 

    I’m exactly the same about taking medication, esp when they have unpleasant side effects and messing with hormones strikes me as a terrible idea! As my cancer feeds off oestrogen it makes sense to stop my oestrogen production, but I’m worried I’ll feel like this for ages. I have a family to look after and crying all the time just isn’t sustainable. I still have to take Letrozole yet but I don’t want to until these side effects have abated. Some days it all feels a bit too much. I’m also losing quite a lot of hair too which is making me dread brushing and washing it. 

    Thanks for your reply xx

  • No problem,

    I just look at it like the oestrogen production was probably partly the cause of it all, and I'm actually quite pleased to be off oestrogen now ;)

    My hair has stayed really thick (it grew back after chemo and is still really thick). 

    Hang on in there,



  • Hi

    i know this is a really old thread, but I wondered how you got on. I had my second zoladex injection last Wednesday and I am a mess. I want to cry, I feel like I can't cope and with a 6 year old to home school it is so tough.

    I really hope your journey is still going well

    Claire x

  • Hi Claire

    I know this is months too late but thought I'd sign up and see if you're still on the chat and how you're coping now? Where are you at in terms of treatment? 
    I had my first zoladex injection 2 weeks ago and feel the same way. So so emotionally fragile! Even "how are you" gets me sobbing. My mental health and positive outlook on life is something I definitely took for granted as now I feel depressed... some days and it makes me sad that I feel sad because of this annoying injection!

    would love to hear how you got on and whether you're still taking it?

    Sending lots of love and strength your way xxxx