You Won't beat me

Dear Cancer,  

Ever since I heard those words "We've found a lump" my life changed.You have been in my waking thoughts for every second of every day, you have made me become  totally selfishly obsessed with myself, you have made me undergo many many horrible  physically invasive procedures, I took them all and still had time to laugh. You have taken me to the deepest darkest emotional depths that I have ever experienced and  I am now still laughing because, you have also made me realise my hitherto unknown emotional abilities. You see I am not on my own, I have  invaluable support from my friends and family. But you can have the credit for making me discover strengths  about myself that I  could not believe existed, Cheers.  

Every day I zap you with  my big Mate-Radiation, Every week I poison you with my ally- Chemotherapy, every minute my Hate for you grows. Every day you get weaker while I grow stronger. So what have you got left Eh? A sore throat!! Well I have had sore throats before and I know that, no matter how hard, one day it will be over. So bring it on. I am prepared and ready. See I now have  another ambition and a direction along with Life Work and Family.  

Many people, some perhaps reading this, will have had the dubious experience of hearing me sing, let me state that "I WILL SING AGAIN" sooner rather than later, before the end of 2017. Cancer you aren't taking that away from me! I'm making plans already. One day, not too far away, I will be singing "I Made It Through The Rain" and yes it will be the Manilow version  

Yours with Total Contempt 

Nick W    June 2017