Worries About Enlarged Tonsil Regrowth

I feel a little dramatic posting here, but I have read lots of nice support from others who are worried about their health like me. I gave birth to my son almost a year and a half ago, but ever since I feel like I never really returned to my normal self. I know the first year comes with low energy, but I feel like even after returning to 7-8 hour nights of sleep I still get bouts of extreme fatigue. I also get lots of dizzy spells as well that feel more like light headedness. A couple of months ago I noticed I had a large mass of tissue in the back of my throat. It is on both sides but significantly more swollen and enlarged on the left side of my throat. I have seen an ENT and he said it looked like tonsil regrowth. I had my tonsils removed when I was 7 years old. He did not perform a scope that day because he said the growth did not look concerning, but to keep an eye out to be sure it did not continue growing at a rapid rate. I have been checking it monthly and I can’t really tell if it’s getting larger, but it’s definitely not getting smaller. I have been having trouble swallowing and just feel deep in my gut something is not quite right. I have made a follow up with the ENT to reassess and to do a scope this Wednesday. I’m hoping he can give me some more reassurance that this is all benign. I’m not really sure what I’m looking for here either more than just anyone else with similar stories or worries. My husband doesn’t quite know how to comfort me since I can worry myself sick from Googling. Thank you all for any words you have to share. 

  • Hello Inhutson.  Being a mother of a young child is very fatiguing as many people here will know.  If your tonsils are regrowing then they won't start to get smaller suddenly; if they are causing you problems with swallowing then you have done the right thing by making a follow-up inspection.  Remembering my own experience as a young mother, I used to fear that something awful would happen to me and I would not be able to care for my child (it didn't happen).    Keep away from Dr Google; s/he is the bane of our lives.  We say s/he should  have been struck off years ago for spreading unnecessary fear. Only a flesh-and-blood doctor can tell you if there is a problem or not.   I see you have your appointment tomorrow so am hoping that you will get the reassurance you need to stop you worrying.  Enjoy being a mother!  Annie

  • Hi lnhutson. Welcome to the forum.

    I was in a similar situation to you in 2017.  During the summer of 2017 I was feeling pains particularly in my neck and shoulders, lethargy, and a general feeling of blah!  My doctor gave me a barrage of blood tests, which were either normal or slightly off normal but not significant. In the end I noticed a particular pattern of pains which gave my GP a clue that this was fibromyalgia and a diagnosis made.

    Later in the autumn I noticed I was waking up with a sore throat and I returned to the doctor. After a failed attempt at treatment, in December 2017 my GP referred me to an ENT on a two week cancer pathway.  The ENT found tonsil regrowth (I'd had them out when I was 6, nearly 60 years earlier!). 

    I was then put through a battery of tests - endoscopy through the nose, MRI, and finally a panendoscopy with biopsy under general anaesthetic.  No cancer found, but no real reason found for the sore throats either (and I still have them!). 

    Of course, writing now I make it seem that I was quite blasé during this process. I wasn't, I was a nervous wreck and convinced I had cancer. But looking back I can see how foolish I was to worry. 

    I'm not a doctor myself, but I have a friend who is a retired GP and who once ran an endoscopy service. He told me a little story of one of his first throat endoscopies, when he found a person who had a large regrowth of tonsils after a tonsillectomy years earlier. My friend was shocked, surprised, and worried, but that person didn't have cancer. At no point in my friend's medical training had anyone told him that tonsils can regrow after removal!  He subsequently saw a few other cases, but none had cancer. 

    It would appear that tonsils can regrow, but I can find nothing to indicate that regrown tonsils are at any higher risk of cancer than normal tonsils.

    I see you're going back the ENT soon. That's good. Please don't be alarmed if he/she suggests the same protocol as me: MRI and panendoscopy. This appears to be a common route and putting you on it doesn't mean that someone "thinks" you've got cancer. It's actually just a common-sense approach. 




  • Thanks for writing this post, it has put my mind a little more at rest.  I have discovered 5p/marble-sized growth if my left tonsil area although I had my tonsils out 25 years ago when I was 15.  I saw the ENT doctor yesterday and he has scheduled me for an operation in 10 days time to remove the mass and also an MRI scan to check how big it is.The ENT doctor said it looked weird and suggested tonsil regrowth, tonsil cancer or lymphoma.  He said if it was something bad that it seems to have been caught early so survival rates were 85-90% so I guess I'll try not to worry about it, see what the result is in a couple of weeks and take it from there.  There's not a lot else I can do but I'll happily take those odds if it comes to it!

  • I too am not sure if my worries are justified. Many years of laryngitis lasting 2/3 days and tonsils removed 30 years ago. In November, I had a four week loss of voice which prompted me to go to my Dr.

    i was put on a two week Cancer urgent referral. In the meantime worrying I went private, (only affording the first check) whereby they said a regrowth of tonsils needed removing. A scope up my nose and to the throat showed nothing sinister. At this point I received my ENT NHS appointment. He too said nothing sinister but a course of antibiotics. Three weeks later and two days before a return appointment I was in agony. I couldnt swallow, was drooling and severe neck/ear pain. An out of hour Dr advised a viral infection and to buy a numbing spray. I thought I was dying and was so pleased two days later to attend ENT. I was admitted immeadiately with quinsy.   I am now recovering and have a scope on Tuesday of this week with the week after, a swallowing and voice appt. I should also find out the tests on my pus taken from the abscess.

    I don’t know what to think anymore, other than just think. I cannot believe things can possibly be ok. 

  • Hi can I ask outcome if these 

    I have had food sticking in my throat for 4 weeks been referred in a 2 week app had ent up nose said throat looks inflamed and give me anti acid however I have no feeling of heartburn 


    I have been feeling quite floaty but forgot to mention this on app I did get hearing test also

    She said I had some tonsil scarring where food was potentionally sticking waiting to.go for swallowing test but am so worried that I need to push more she doesnt want me back.for 6 weeks as apparently am.low risk 37 non smoker but I feel like somethin isnt right eap with the dizzy spells to 

  • I hope all turns out well for you. For me the results were ant acid medicine for reflux and the swallowing tests proved slightly inconclusive, except for tension in my tongue? 
    I am not worried now, but do still have off days and the tonsil regrow then they say are causing no harm. 
    Good luck. X