Worried thickening of womb

hi everyone,

I’m new to posting on here but have read the forum for a while which has really helped me over the last few months.

I have always had issues with my periods- very heavy, none at all, passing clots, irregular bleeding from a young age. I had been on Cerezette mini pill to try to help these symptoms and for contraceptive purposes.


went to the GP in Jan after having extreme pelvic pain, feeling of heaviness and as I had been having irregular bleeding or mostly clotted discharge. (I usually have no bleeding on POP)I have also been getting excruciating back pain and hip pain (worst before bleeding or discharge)

I was sent for a ultrasound and was told that it had shown a mass in my uterus (possibly a polyp) so was scheduled for a hysteroscopy, possible removal of mass and D&C to obtain biopsy.

had this procedure done yesterday (I was sent to private hospital via NHS as they couldn’t meet waiting time deadline!

the surgeon spoke to me after waking up from anaesthetic. He said there was no mass but I had significant thickening of the endometrial lining. He said that as it was so thick it would have been mistaken on scan as mass/polyp. He told me he removed some of the thickening and has sent for biopsy. He said everything else looked okay but asked me when I was thinking of having a baby, which I though was odd or maybe alarming. I am 34 and have no children. I am really worried that the thickening May suggest cancer and I am paranoid that he was asking about having kids. Anyone else has similar experiences?

Im also worried as my pill was progesterone only therefore if anything should prevent thickening of the womb!!

Thanks x

  • Hi hope this helps as I understand how worrying it is, I'm slightly different to you as I'm older and been through menopause but have thickening of womb and have had polyp removed and utrine biopsy got results today and no cancer, my gp told me i was high risk of it being cancer so I was convinced it would be so try not to worry I no it's hard and hope all goes well for you xx

  • Hi, I too am worried sick. Had bowel cancer twice over the last 4 and a half years. Had my routine ct which was fine for what they had done it for but reported a 'thickening of the uterus wall'. Had an ultrasound and because over the last month I had had a small amount of bleeding twice I was sent for biopsies last week. Had a follow up appointment for next week but someone just rang for me to go in the morning. I am so scared, I could throw up! I said to her 'does this mean it's bad news' and she said o no, maybe they just want to do some more tests. She said she couldn't discuss my results over the phone either. I'm in my 50's and hadn't had a period for 18months before the last month and this week have had what was like a proper period. Is she just being nice and not wanting me to worry? If it's not urgent why get me back this week. xx

  • Thanks Fi59 for your response.

    I’m so glad to hear that you had positive news today- no cancer.

    I'm trying to stay positive, however I just fear the worst. It’s the waiting on results I can’t handle. The surgeon didn’t tell me the what the thickness was, it was just the use of the word ‘significant that alarmed me. I’m presuming if they thought it was a polyp/mass from looking at the scan that it must be quite thick.

    just need to wait and see I suppose. x

  • Ineedabreak,

    I am so sorry to hear that you have been through so much over the last few years. You have been so brave and are a fighter!!

    no matter the outcome, at least you will have a better idea tomorrow. It’s Good they are following up quickly no matter the outcome. Fingers crossed it is positive news for you.

    please keep us posted and good luck for tomorrow. Try to remain positive Xx

  • Hi I understand how worrying it is but try not to read to much into it even though I no it's easy to say, I no sometimes they do need to do further tests, will be thinking of you and hope you get positive news xx

  • Thankyou, waiting for results is agonizing I understand exactly how your feeling i was scared to answer the phone or dreaded the post coming in case it was bad news, polyps do cause utrine thickening so hopefully it's just that xx

  • Thank you, my husband and I are so sick of feeling like this now. I went 3 years clear before the cancer came back then more surgery last year I just think everythings ok again then a totally different scare. The consultant did say although I had gone through the menopause, chemo can mess with hormones and I was hoping this was the case. I know I'll be a wreck tomorrow. I'll let you know, thank you for your support xx

  • They work in weird ways don't they, it's all in a days work for them. I really don't think they have a clue what we go through with worry. Thank you for your advice xx

  • Turned up for my appointment a total wreck.

    Good news that biopsies were ok.

    Have to go in for camera just to make sure.

    It's the thickening and bleeding after menopause that set alarm bells off but she did say today that it does happen to some people a year or even two after periods stop that an ovary kicks up again and produces a period for whatever reason.

    Thanks for your help and hope you all have good results.

  • So glad you had good news today. You must be so relieved!!

    wishing you the best of health for the future. x