Worried sick

Hi, I've been on this forum on and off for a while now but atm I feel sick to my stomach, my husband is 4 months post chemo/radiotherapy and we are waiting for a date for his MRI scan following treatment.  He has an appt on Monday with consultant but 6 days ago he told me he'd found another lump in his mouth! When I looked it actually looked more like an ulcer at the back of his mouth on the opposite side to the tumour and at first I was relieved that it was nothing like the original lump that led to diagnosis but now I'm worried sick because everything I've read leads me to think it's recurrence.  I can't think of anything else but this, I don't want to keep asking him if it's still there because I don't want him to worry (even though I know he is but trying not to show it). His throat looked clear as far as we could see and We were so focused on the good response rates and now I'm terrified.  


    Hi Judy,

    We can all work ourselves into a state over things like this. Unfortunately, none of us have a crystal ball, so you'll just have to wait until tomorrow to discuss this with his consultant.

    I know that it's not easy, but try to hold things together until then. I hope that he gets his MRI through soon, as this will probably be the best way of finding out. I sincerely hope that, after all of his chemo, the results are good.

    Please let us know. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you, I know, every little thing is a scare!  His appt is next Monday, we're on holiday atm for a week.  I have had a look earlier and its smaller and still looking like an ulcer to me but there is another little red spot next to it that he says only appeared today.  I'm still hoping they're innocent, I know stress can cause mouth ulcers and he's certainly been stressing.  Unfortunately he's also has hearing loss in both ears which we think is a result of his chemo so that's another thing to speak to his consultant about!  I'm not worried about that though as long as the treatment has done its job. X


    Hi Judy,

    It is always helpful to write down any questions you both have before his appointment, as it is all too easy to forget them in the heat of the moment. Don't forget to mention the hearing loss.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx