Worried sick

As part of having blood clots on my lungs diagnosed 2 weeks ago I have had an abdomen scan which has shown a lesion on my liver and a lesion on my bone although not sure which bone. 2 multidisciplinary meetings have been held to discuss i think because I had a pre cancerous melanoma removed 18 months ago. One meeting was held yesterday and I was told would get a call from the hospital by end of today but nothing.  I am now literally sick with worrying.  Why haven't they phoned?  Its my life and no one is updating me.

Any positive thoughts please.  I am pretty desperate  xx

  • I dislike when gps/hospitals do that regarding calling you back.

    However, and not that it changes much, but I think I'd prefer not knowing anything before Monday. Nothing worse than majorly sweating it out over the weekend because something dodgy has been mentioned to you. I know you'll worry regardless, but in this case, I think considering what day of the week it is, it will be better for your sanity.

    Saying that, if it turns out they think it's a whole lotta nothing, then I'd be more annoyed at finding that out too when a simple call could have made all the difference.

    I got something kinda similar done to me years ago too, and mine turned out to be good news, but you'd never have guessed with the "call the surgery asap on Monday" message they left on my answerphone at 6.30pm Friday..

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. You have made me smile, and along with a couple of large gins that is exactly what I needed x