Worried Sick

I'm 41 and have severe Diverticular. I've had flare up for the last few weeks and saw a consultant privately last week who referred me for blood tests along with a Colonoscopy and MRI.

The GP called me yesterday to say the my CA125 was 250 and has referred me for ultrasound. 

I've read though that your period can affect the CA125 and the blood test was taken on the first day of my period. Also Diverticular flare ups can affect it, which I have 

So how worried should I be?

I have two young children so putting a brave face on it all.

I do have low abdominal burning but have always put that down to my bowel issue. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this xxxxx

  • Hi K3lly,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I can imagine this must be a little unsettling and it's never easy with this uncertainty - however to be honest I'm not able to advise on your question; it's only really by sitting tight and waiting for results from your scans that you will be able to find out more and have an opportunity to discuss with your doctor.

    Hopefully it won't be too long before you get your appointment and the results, and this should provide the information and any next steps you need.

    Try if you can to keep busy and distracted in the meantime, to try to ease any worries.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Kelly

    Having similar issues and just wondered how you got on? Hope you are well x

  • Hello, I'm sorry to hear. Please try not to worry though I completely understand that's so much easier said than done. 

    I had a transvaginal scan and all was clear. They found a little cyst that's being monitored every 6 months. 

    I and the ca125 repeated 6 weeks later and it had come down from 250 to 13

    They said that my period and bowel disease had affected it and also said the ca125 is much more unreliable in pre menopause.  

    I hope you'll be ok and that this gives you some comfort xx

  • Hi Kelly,

    Thanks you SO MUCH for responding. It genuinely means the world to me. I find myself trawling around and not able to see what people's outcomes were and getting myself into a big state. So, truly, thank you.


    Can I ask, did you have any bowel investigations? They're talking about sending me for a colonoscopy now because of my bloating and abdo pain and I'm worried sick again.

    i had an ultrasound this week and thank goodness it didn't show anything nasty. Im Still Unbelievably relieved about that but alsO still very worried about this ca125 and all the severe bloating I'm having. Until now I've never had ibs or anything so it's all just come out the blue and if it wasn't for that marker being high I probably wouldn't be as worried. I do know it can be up for other reasons though. 

    it's so nice to hear yours went down and I'm so happy you're well xx

  • I'm so glad your ultrasound was ok. 

    I'm sure that's a real positive and I know what you mean about scrolling. I did constantly!!

    I've had a colonoscopy and Lower bowel MRI. I have diverticular disease and IBS and am always swelling up. Please try not to worry xxx

  • Thank you again. You've genuinely made me feel a bit better and hopeful.

    I will update you when I finall get some results. Take care and thanks again x

  • Please do! I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine!


    Take Care x



  • I posted on a bowel investigation post. as someone was wanting to know what   happens. Having had this done several times. they wanted to know if you feel pain or when  biopsies  were taken,  does it hurt. I  tried to reassure her there was no pain involved as it was a lower bowel investigation. It was more dealing with the embarrassment of having the procedure done.  the nurses talk to you in a calm way to put you at ease. I had a flexi procedure done today, in the past  I found it to be managable.

    So as I have said this time round. Oh my god, I was offered gas and air. but said no thanks. Wish I had took what ever they could give me.  They said I could look at the screen and watch. I just kept my eyes closed. the procedure was nearly done. he showed me a large polyp . which he said he will remove it when I come back in couple of weeks for both colonoscopy and an upper GI.

    He said had it been one polyp he would have taken it out. but because of the polyp was on a bend of my bowel it would have been difficult to take it out. with the added news of a 2nd polyp further up the bowel.

    He said the pain I was having during the procedure was it worse the same or less, When I had painful stomach  pain. I said it was exactly the same.  Because there was a second polyp found he said if you have two the likelyhood of more polyps would be likely. hence the second visit in a few weeks time.both ways. this time I was told I'd have sedation as the pain was so bad. But I'd like to say that was my experience this time round, and by no means you will have a bad experience like I did. maybe it's my age. I'm no spring chicken.