Worried sick

Hello... I'm a forty year old female, I've been avoiding this for so long but enough enough... for quite a while now I've been having thin stools, constipation and bouts of what I think is an ibs attack... I start going hot, stomach cramps... I have to rush to the toilet with serve Diarrhea, while the Diarrhea is happening , I feel out of it... I go dizzy I have to close my eyes cos they are so heavy... I feel sick but have never been sick, once the Diarrhea has stop I feel fine....this can happen about 2-3 time over a 2 hour period, it's happened while I'm eating and in the middle of the night....so that's been happening a bit more lately and then 3 days ago I woke up with a strange pressure in my rectum I got the constant feeling of having to open my bowels...as the day went on I started to notice it more and it was starting to cause me some pain...this has continued now for 3 days...the constant throbbing is driving me mad! As I've read more into I've realised that for quite sometime I've been having the same pain but only lasting a few seconds now it's constant....the pressure still makes me feel the need to open my bowels...I'm not having trouble opening my bowels and have no pain when going toilet....I know I need to go to the doctors...and I'm putting it off...should I be worried?

  • Hi there ..

    Well I think your worried .. and like you said , enough is enough .. no one here can diagnose you .. we all had symptoms that we needed a Dr to diagnose ... types there will probly be tests .. and I'm sure it could be a few things .. but untill you get it sorted, it will only get worse ...

    Yes it's scary getting looked at and tested .. but untill you do, you won't know what it is ..  you need to bite the bullet and make an appointment... as a mum to 6 and with A D H D  , l had one with that too .. you are tougher then you realise ... you made the first move comming on here .. so you can do this .. Chrissie...