Worried due to mass/cyst in fallopian tube - ovarian area

Hi there, 

I've never posted on a forum before so please bare with me.  Firstly, here are a few symptoms I have been experiening.  Missed period - last period was 8th Sept 2017, pain in left ovary/fallopian tube area - comes and goes but there everyday, can be quite painfull and then goes into a dull ache, its really hurting me as I type this, lower back pain, (but did suffer a slipped disc earlier on in the year), pressure feeling in pelvic area, brown spotting for a few days, feeling nauseaus....this in also on and off and sometimes I cannot eat, frequent urination - although I have had lots of UTI's this year which is weired around 4/5 so far, constipation and or diareah - I've always had a strong stomach and never normally suffer, this has been going on for about 5 weeks or so now, lack of energy - not attending my gym classess like I used to - one day great, next day tired and low energy.  

So after all of these symptoms dr did a pregnancy test which came out negative.  We are not activiely trying to concieve as my daughters are 21 and 15 years, however, if it happens it happens. I have had an ectopic 12 years ago where my right tube was removed but ovary still in place.

Next was an ultrasound which was done on Tuesday afternoon.  Sonographer found a mass/cyst and noted the tenderness at the very end of my fallopian tube/ovary , could be a cyst but they are not sure, only small 1.8cm x1.3cm.  She also mentioned it could be an infection and asked me if I have been swabbed which I have been several times due to my UTI's and all coming back completely clear, we are in a monogomus relationship ( I hope - for the last 10 years).

 My doctor called me in straight away and said I need to see a gynocologist urgently, luckily I have private health insurance so have my appointment on Tuesday evening which I thought was great  but now I'm getting worried that it could be fallopian tube or ovarian cancer. Dont want to worry my family so thought I'd post on here to see if anyone has had a similar experience.  Thank you for reading and sorry about me grumberling on!


    Hi Marypoppins,

    A very warm welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I am so sorry to hear about your symptoms, but glad to hear that you have access to private treatment. I’m sure that, like most of us, you must be very upset at the thought of a cancer diagnosis. The speed with which you are being seen relieves you of weeks of worry.

    I hope that all goes well on Tuesday evening.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you, and, as you said, it is good to have a place to come to when you don’t want to worry family.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi i know this is an old post but was wondering about the outcome for you. i have the exact same symptoms. apart from no uti's. been going on for months now. and now thebpain is constant. finally got sent for an urgent ultrasound which i had this morning. nurse said she couldnt tell me much but did tell me that i had fluid in 1 of my fallopian tubes. she said to ring the gp tomorrow or thursday and that the gp will want to see me. i have to admit im worrying a bit now. especially with the results gokng to the gp so fast.  i have 2 young children. 2yrs and 4 yrs old



    Hi Bethan,

    This is an old thread, so I thought that I would reply to you. Here's hoping that Marypoppins will eventually too.

    I am sorry to hear about the constant pain you are suffering. You are fortunate if you are going to get the results of your ultrasound in 1-2 days. Most of us have to wait 1-2 weeks to get test results.

    Having had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 10 years, I know just how worrying it can be when you are waiting for results, especially when you have such a young family.

    I hope that you get an appointment with your GP soon and that the ultrasound doesn't show up anything untoward.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx.



  • hi Jolamine

    thanks for replying. well i had a letter from a different hospital today with an appointment for another scan on tuesday. which is exactly a week from my last scan. i thought that maybe the docs had referred me to 2 different hospitals by accident so rang and they said no. the 1st hospital has passed me onto a different hospital because of my scan results. the receptionist said my results were back but that a doctor had to look at them in the morning and to phone back in the afternoon if i hadnt heard off them


    Hi Bethan,

    It sounds as if your consultant wants further clarification of your tests. I know that the extra wait is frustrating, but you are better to get a definite diagnosis.

    I hope that your doctor phones you tomorrow with the results from last week.

    I am hoping and praying that nothing untoward crops up next Tuesday.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • hi jolamine just wanted to let you know that doc rang first thing friday morning. i have an 'extremely abnormal ovarian cyst' which has different textures. its not that big 18mm x 23mm. she also said that my prolactin level was raised. my ca125 level was ok though so thats good although she did say that it isnt always raised .. im being fast tracked to gyny now down the urgent suspected cancer route. 

    afterwards i did think that maybe it could be a dermoid cyst due to the different textures but then thought they probably would of been able to tell if it was one of them on the scan and the gp would of said.

    she didnt mention anything about the fluid in my fallopian  tube.  and me being in a tiz, forgot to ask her about it. 

    its just a waiting game now to get an appointment with gyny. this is the worst part i think. the not knowing and waiting.


    Hi Bethan,

    I'm glad to hear that the doc got in touch with you on Friday and clarified matters a little for you. It's not good news that she suspects cancer, but at least she has fast tracked you to gynae. However, it is good to hear that your ca125 was ok. I am pretty sure that your doc would have said if it was a dermoid cyst. Isn't it strange how easily you forget all the questions you have in your head when speaking to a doc? That's why I always write down any questions I have before I go to any appointment, to ensure that I don't forget anything important.

    If you are being fast tracked to gynae, you shouldn't have that much longer to wait. Did you got for your other scan today?

    I knew that my consultant was pretty sure that I had cancer when he did my biopsy, so waiting for the results for the week after that was torture - I imagine that you are finding the same? Do your best to keep busy to distract yourself from the wait. With 2 very young children that shouldn't be too difficult, especially at this time of year.

    Thinking of you and hoping that things turn out better than they sound.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Bethan98, 

    I realise this is a post from last year but what you described is exactly what is happening with me.

    Do you mind me asking how you are now? and what happened to you after the second scan? 


  • Hi i ended up being seen 31st January as my referal was lost again. it went to an mdt meeting and they decided it was fine and it was a normal cyst. the gyny tried to get a biopsy of my womb but she couldnt get through my cervix to get it. so now i have to have a laparoscopy and a hysteroscopy at the same time so she can see whats going on. with the covid 19 situation it could be a while till i have it done though as im not classed as urgent even though i have been bleeding every 2 weeks or so since last april 

  • oh you poor thing so this has been rattling on for months for you. Must be so worrying. 

    Hope you get sorted soon x