Worried about mass near to where I had my lumpectomy

Dear all, 

 I have been worried since I found a big lump in my breast, just under 5 cmx 1.2cm. I have generally had a good experience with the breast clinic. I had the lump removed because of its size and my age, 50 at the time. I was told it was a fibroadenoma  but when they biopsied it they found LCIS inside it. I was slightly taken back and thankfully I  will be having yearly mammograms. We have breast cancer in my family so am at a slightly higher risk anyway.

I am so grateful that I can join some sort of discussion group, listen to others as it's hard to talk about this to friends.

I had the lumpectomy in August and the reason why I feel the urge to write is because I have noticed a mass near to where the surgery was, it feels similar to my previous lump. I was wondering whether it's just scar tissue or something I need to check with the clinic. I had other PASH like changes on my report but I don't think that's anything to worry about.

Any advice appreciated. My next mammogram is in May.

Best wishes to all.x

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Guineapiglover although I'm sorry about the mass you've found near to where you had your lumpectomy.

    If you're worried it would be best to book an appointment with your GP or check in with the clinic as they'll be able to take a look and let you know if it's any cause for concern. Hopefully that won't be the case but it's always good to get things like this checked, if only for peace of mind.

    Many of our members have been in similar situations so you are not alone and hopefully you will receive some support and advice from them soon.

    If you'd like to speak with one of our cancer nurses about this, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    We're thinking of you Guineapiglover and hope this mass isn't anything sinister.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator



    I am sorry to hear that you feel these changes in your breast, since your lumpectomy. I agree with our moderator, Steph. Post-surgery, we sometimes get scar tissue building up in the breast and this can be mistaken for a lump. However, it could also be a new lump, so you are as well to get it checked out.

    As you have already discovered, we sometimes need a biopsy to be certain that there is no cancer there. Please phone your breast care nurse and discuss this with her. She can arrange an appointment to get this checked out.

    I had a lumpectomy 13 years ago. Six months later I found a lump in my other breast, but fortunately on biopsy, this proved to be ok. Almost a year to my first surgery, I found a second lump in my  original breast and unfortunately, this turned out to be a second primary cancer. Without a biopsy, it would have been impossible to diagnose. I then had a double mastectomy and have been doing well since.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Dear Steph and Jolamine,

        Thanks for your wonderful advice, i will stop poking and wondering and get in touch with the clinic. I just don't want to cause a fuss but I suppose with the LCIS that I have I had better get it checked. The clinic said to be breast aware.My Mum had agressive breast cancer and a mammogram found her pea sized lump that she was unaware of so it's important not to take any chances I suppose.

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

    Best wishes




  • Hi Guineapiglover, 

    Good that you have decided to get in touch with the breast clinic, always a good idea to get these things checked out. 

    I had a similar experience, lump found in my left breast having had a lumpectomy earlier in the year. They did a manual exam, and believed it to be fat necrosis (as a result of my surgery) and did mammogram and ultrasound to double check. They were right and the imaging confirmed it was nothing to worry about.

    Felt good to have the reassurance!

    Hope it is the same for you!

    Take care x


    Hi Guineapiglover,

    Please do contact the clinic. You are not causing a fuss - far better to be safe than sorry.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Dear all,

    Just thought I would give you an update. It's taken me a little while to pluck up the courage to contact the breast clinic. My lumpectomy for a fibroadenoma ( quite a big one) , they said how could I have missed it..., ? went well and I thought that was it until they found LCIS inside it. There was no signs of lumps, thickening after my surgery. It's just recently that I have noticed a thickening in my breast tissue that seems to be getting bigger. It's not quite where I had my fibroadenoma, that was in the lower outer quadrant and this new thickening is on the upper side. I had a little bit of trouble contacting the clinic, trouble with phone line but someone offered to email for me. Thankfully they rang me today and i have an appointment to see them next Monday. I will keep you all posted. It's better to get it checked as I have been worrying it. I expect it's PASH/ ( I had PASH like changes on biopsy) or some sort of scar tissue. Fingers crossed it's not anything sinister. I think for anyone dealing with worrying health issues it's best to try and stay positive, not Google too much and leave it to the experts. I am thinking of everyone dealing with health issues xx best wishes from 


  • Jolamine

    Have you had any reconstruction or thought about it? Im thinking its almost better to have both breasts removed as in my case with just one I feel so lopsided. Im on the waiting list for Diep surgery, it's very scary. But it's either that or live with prothesis on one side. There's so many fors and against, a very personal decision I know......

  • I'm sure you will feel better once youve seen the breast nurses. My masectomy scar has healed quite nicely but I have lumps and bumps underarm which I'm hoping to have sorted soon. Our poor bodies have to adjust and scar tissue and swelling is common Im sure

    Hope all goes well for you

    Best wishes 



    Hi Guineapiglover,

    I am pleased to hear that you now have an appointment to be seen next Monday And, I hope that nothing untoward is found.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Silverdays,

    Unfortunately, I was unable to have reconstruction as a result of scarring from previous non-cancer related surgery. I manage well with an assortment of prostheses for different activities and occasions.

    I understand how you feel so lopsided. Many women feel like you, but surgeons are reluctant to remove a healthy breast, just to even us up. This has to be a personal decision and I hope that you reach the right one for you.

    I'm always here if you want to talk.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx